Program areas at Japanese American Social Services
The Hotline Program provides information and referral services for people of any age through phone, email, and in-person counseling concerning the following issues: Low-income, Legal, Health-related, Family, Labor, Disaster-related, Housing-related, Covid-19 related issues, Disability, Consumer-and money-related, and Others. In addition, crisis intervention, case assistance, advocacy, and companion services to court and other government agencies are provided as needed. The Hotline Program assisted 1,071 clients (740 non-senior clients and 331 senior clients). To assist them, a total of 6,275 contacts were made.
The Community Outreach Program aims to provide public education and to assist the public in obtaining information relative to JASSIs programs and/or activities by: Public relations are provided via semi-annual newsletters (JASSI REPORTS), by mail, e-newsletters, and social media (Facebook & Twitter), and community online bulletin boards; Up-to-date information on JASSIs website; and Workshops and seminars.
Over 460 senior members registered to the Senior Program in the fiscal year 2023. The program includes the following services: Case assistance, Friendly visits, Senior assurance call, Hospital escort services, Educational seminars, sSocial events, Distribution of free tickets to cultural events, Publication of newsletters and e-newsletters with information tailored to senior citizens. JASSI also offer activities & events such as Monthly In-Person and Weekly Remote Gatherings (Tea Party) to create a safe place for seniors to promote social interaction and maintain social support network, and Gift card distribution project for NYC residents.
The Caregiver Support Program provided services to those who care for people over 60 years old. The program includes Case management e.g., home care referrals, public benefits & entitlements assistance), Supportive counseling, Respite care, Supplemental services, and Support groups.