Program areas at JCCAC
Housing services:homeless prevention - provides 191 rental vouchers for homeless individuals/families with a disability of substance abuse, mental illness, aids, or aids-related diseases. Once housed, they receive intensive supportive services to aid them in becoming self-sufficient.supportive housing program - features intensive case management by professional staff. They assist the homeless individuals and families with rental assistance; deposits for security and utilities; emergency supplies of food, clothing, furniture, appliances, and other housing start up items. Other benefits include outpatient health services, limited transportation, and child care. Participants are expected to maintain enrollment in all recommended supportive services and vocational/educational programs. Close monitoring by the case manages will assure compliance.the housing services provided assistance to 387 unduplicated participants.
Job & training:the adult & disabled worker program assists the customer to secure permanent, unsubsidized employment, which will lead to self-sufficiency. A customer may progress through core, intensive or training services to achieve this goal. Training services are for those with no marketable job skills and must be in a growth or demand occupation that can lead to a self-sufficient wage. Upon completion of a prescribed training activity, it is hoped a wia participant will be able to secure permanent, full-time employment with benefits and a self-sufficient wage. Wia staff will utilize the resources of the agency and the one stop center, as well as one stop partners.the youth program prepares youth for post-secondary educational opportunities or employment. Programs will link academic and occupational learning. Programs include tutoring, study skills training, and instruction leading to completion of secondary school, alternative school services, mentoring by appropriate adults, paid and unpaid work experience, occupational skills training, leadership development and appropriate supportive services. Youth participants will also receive guidance and counseling, and follow-up services.the number of individuals who received services during the current year were as follows:youth 329 individuals wioa adult including dislocated workers 159 individuals
Energy services:heap is designed to help eligible low-income ohians meet the high costs of home heating. Heap pays a one-time payment for most puco regulated utility customers reflecting their usage for the current winter heating season. During the summer months, heap helps all eligible homes with their electric bills and provides air conditioners to anyone who has a severe breathing condition.through summer and winter crisis programs, 1,851 households were assisted with heap.heap has a busy crew that operates this program. They work year round to make homes of income eligible participants more energy efficient. Towards that end, they insulate attics, blow cellulose into side walls, caulk windows and doors, and take any other practical measures to minimize or stop cold air infiltration. Furnaces are checked and repaired or replaced under this program as well.23 homes received weatherization services during this current year.
Other program services include Community services and housing services.