Program areas at Jefferson County Immigrant Rights Advocates
Through the JCIRA LEGAL DEFENCE AND FAMILY SUPPORT FUND (JCIRA FUND), JCIRA was able to provide 105 small grants of up ranging from $500- 1000 to 97 immigrant individuals or families who members live or reside Jefferson or Clallam counties, WA, or who are detainees in the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma. Recipients are selected by the JCIRA FUND Committee upon completing an application form. Grants are for food, clothing, shelter, legal immigration fees, and other emergent household expenses.
Two part-time contractors: One enables us to assist immigrants in our community to access community resources such as public health and medical services, low-income housing assistance and youth activities and to develop relationships with other community organizations. The second part-time contractor does client intake and supports the work of a legal assistance program done in partnership with Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center in Bremerton WA, a US Dept. of Justice recognized provider of immigration-related legal assistance.
JCIRA participated in a federal program to sponsor an Afghan family, in which the husband had worked with US forces. Funds were used for food, clothing, car, language instruction, moving costs and other expenses associated with settlement into the community.
Grant for legal and household support for a family of 2 special needs asylum seekers residing in our community.
Grants were made to other immigrant rights groups to support their work which advances our mission.
Youth programs included paying fees for various local youth summer camps for about 20 immigrant children, fees for about 15 high schools students to become certified as bilingual, financial assistance for immigrant high school students to participate in music, sports and extra-curricular activities.
JCIRA rents space in a church for the Authorized Representatives (ARs), who are credentialed by the U.S. Department of Justice to assist immigrants with their cases, to meet with their clients. The AR's are certified through Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center in Bremerton WA.
Other program expenses: English as a Second Language class, open to all immigrants free of charge. Expenses are teacher and materials.
JCIRA participated in a federal program to sponsor an Afghan family, in which the husband worked for US forces. Funds were used for food clothing car, language instruction, and other expenses associated with settlement into the community.
Miscellaneous; program conference, program advertising, program travel, other program expenses