Program areas at JCCCS
The Charter School ensures that its curriculum is aligned to state standards. Expeditionary learning is implemented in english language arts literacy (ela) in grades k-8. Professional development participation is conducted throughout the School year and attendance is required for instructional staff. Additionally in grades k-3, we will continue the implementation of the children's literacy initiative placing continued emphasis on core practices - literacy environment - physical elements, intentional read aloud, message time plus, and the workshop model. In preparation for njsla administration, students receive additional support with technology and the ela curriculum. A new mathematics series entitled, envisionmath 2.0 and digits 2015 on realize were implemented in grades k-8. Professional development activities will be conducted this summer and continued throughout the School year. Staff attendance and participation is required. In preparation for the parcc administration, students will receive additional support with technology and the math curriculum. The interactive science for grades k-8 is based on best practices from academic research and alignment to next generation science standards. Which results is a program rooted in sound learning approaches, teaching strategies, and ideas to engage all learners, to maximize their learning, so that they can apply their thinking. Lesson plans are reviewed on a bi-weekly basis. Formal and informal observations are conducted throughout the School year providing feedback to improve teacher practice.
As a recipient of federal and state assistance under the child nutrition programs, nutritious meals and snacks were provided to children throughout the School year. The Charter School also had after School program providing children with a safe environment, at the same time assisting them with homework, while working parents needed the extended hours.
Jcccs also received federal funds for programs under the no child left behind (nclb) which was enacted in 2002 which reauthorized the elementary and secondary education act. Nclb program activities implemented at jcccs during fiscal year 2022 were consistent with objectives of the nclb focusing on providing children with a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education through enrichment activities.