Program areas at JCCSF
The claude & louise rosenberg early childhood education program enriches the lives of over 400 young children and their families by providing a variety of opportunities for learning, growth and exploration in a Jewish setting. The program's reggio emilia-inspired approach to early childhood education fosters strong relationships between children, teachers, and parents. This approach supports and enriches family life and Jewish Community life through parent/baby/toddler groups, parent education, family education, social programs, and holiday celebrations.
The jccsf's youth and family life team focuses on providing children age-appropriate experiences of creativity and learning with a goal of making "mensches" through a values-based approach to everyday activities highlighted through the rhythms and vocabulary of Jewish culture. Through citywide, the jccsf increases enthusiasm and interest in dance and sports among majority latinx youth in underserved neighborhoods where access to high-quality enrichment activities is limited. Jccsf camps nurture curiosity, encourage play and build collaboration and tech literacy skills to ensure our children's success in a world where change is constant and learning never stops. From learning new team - and individual sports, to nature exploring, dabbling in the performing arts and experimenting with steam & maker activities, jccsf summer camp is where all kids shine.
The koret Center for health, fitness & sport at the jccsf promotes education programs for people of all ages. With exceptional facilities and outstanding professionals, the program is dedicated to helping individuals improve their personal fitness, health, and lifestyle. The koret Center for health, fitness & sport promotes and builds Community by engaging people in classes, sports and recreational activities in which they can meet and have fun with 13,500 Center members and another 5,000 Community members who share their interests.
The jccsf's roots & culture program includes a range of classes, affinity-based Community study circles, the milestone library, public programs, performances, and lectures. Its mission is to distill Jewish wisdom into experiences that transform attitudes, foster human connections, and help build a more just and equitable society. The jccsf r&c team brings thousands of people annually together (virtually- and in-person) to cultivate lives of joy and meaning in the space where the wisdom of Jewish cultures and traditions meets the rich cultural diversity of San Francisco. Jccsf r&c programs encourage open-ended questioning and prioritize "doing and "becoming" over "knowing and "classifying.various ancillary services such as parking revenue, merchandise sales, fitness Center pass uses, etc.