Program areas at Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford
Community Building. The Foundation awarded grants, mostly in the Greater Hartford area, to support general operations of agencies and programs, meet critical needs for basic human services and support core functions in furtherance of the key strategic objectives designed to strengthen the Jewish community. The largest grantee is the Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford.
Education. The Foundation supports numerous institutions whose focus is on Jewish education. The largest proportion goes to area Jewish day schools for general operating support, scholarships and curriculum enhancement. Other grants include literacy for at-risk youth, supplemental religious school education, college scholarships and general support of secular secondary and college institutions. Grantees include Solomon Schechter Day School, Kingswood-Oxford School, New England Jewish Academy, Jewish Teen Learning Connection, Achievement First, Loomis Chafee School, Trinity College, Reconstructing Judaism, and Yale University School of Medicine.
Human Services and Health. Grants in this program area cover a wide array of services. Programs include services for the disabled, food and hunger alleviation, medical research, case management and counseling, therapy, sports and recreation. Grantees include Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford, Connecticut Children's Foundation, and the Jewish Association for Community Living.
See Schedule O, Statement 1 Other Programs and Services (Expenses: $2,623,893 including grants of $1,782,121) These include the balance of grants awarded through community grantmaking programs, donor advised program and designated giving in program areas that include Arts and Culture, Social Justice, programs in Israel, Seniors, Religious and Spiritual Development and Outreach.