Program areas at Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles
To fulfill our charitable mission, the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles operates grant programs that support numerous nonprofit causes locally, nationally, and internationally in both the Jewish community and in the greater community at large. Two examples are below: (A) Cutting Edge Grants In 2023, The Foundation awarded $2 million in Cutting Edge Grants to 8 organizations committed to fostering a more vibrant and inclusive Jewish Community. The grants supported programs addressing increased antisemitism and anti-Zionism; uplifting and empowering Latin, Asian, Misrahi, and Sephardic Jews; and promoting the health, well-being, and safety of Jewish youth, people with disabilities, and educational and spiritual leaders. For example, The Foundation provided a $300,000 grant to Friendship Circle Los Angeles to launch the Creative Center for Adults, which will provide Jewish adults with developmental disabilities with meaningful employment opportunities and social engagement through a variety of creative activities, such as skateboard assembly and sales, arts and crafts, and gift design. The program aims to provide participants with meaningful activity during the day, help them develop new skills, build confidence, and connect with the Jewish community. (B) Next Stage Grants The Foundation awarded $2 million in Next Stage grants in 2023 to 8 organizations in Los Angeles focused on capacity building. The grants are designed to support a dynamic and thriving Los Angeles Jewish community by strengthening the internal and operational capacity of local Jewish nonprofits. The 2023 Next Stage Grants provide community nonprofit partners with the funding, expertise, and space to holistically assess their needs and strengthen their operations to best serve the community during a pivotal moment of transition. For example, The Foundation awarded $250,000 to Sharsheret, an organization that supports Jewish women and families living with or at risk for breast and ovarian cancer. The grant will support leadership development, restructuring, and expansion of its LA staff, enabling Sharsheret to provide high quality services to more Jewish clients in LA. Grantmaking Through Endowment Funds Grants are also provided via endowment funds that The Foundation manages. An endowment fund is created by someone for one or more charitable purposes, and it becomes a permanent legacy that provides annual support to a cause or organization. These include: *Permanent Legacy Fund - An endowment fund that supports The Foundation's annual grants programs described above. *Field of Interest Fund - Through this endowment fund, donors may designate general causes or fields of interest that they wish to support. The Foundation ensures their charitable intentions are fulfilled, even after the donors themselves are no longer living. *Restricted or Designated Fund - This is an endowment fund that supports one or more specific nonprofit organizations.