Program areas at JFCS
Chai services:chai services promotes community, housing, access, and independence for people of all abilities. We support people with developmental disabilities, mental health challenges, and autism spectrum disorder, plus those with a wide range of strengths and needs. Services include consultation, planning and advocacy, along with community based day programs, residential programming, social groups, and supports for families caring for individuals with disabilities or medical conditions. We also provide a full range of coaching for life skills, independent employment, and socialization. While all of jf&cs's divisions offer specialized mental health services, chai services offers services across the lifespan and coordinates mental health innovation across jf&cs.
Center for early relationship support: the center for early relationship support (cers) promotes the earliest parent-child relationships through a range of services to new parents, along with training for early childhood mental health professionals. Cers services include support groups and workshops, home visiting programs, parent-child therapy, adoption services, consultation, and training. By focusing on the earliest years, cers helps parents build responsive relationships with their child as a foundation for lifelong familial relationships.
Services for older adults: services for older adults helps aging individuals and their families navigate life transitions and changing circumstances, find support and connections, and live well as they grow older. Services include expert guidance and care management, logistical and emotional supports, resources for caregivers, and community education and training. Specialty areas include older adult mental health, alzheimer's and parkinson's disease, spirituality and aging resources, and support for holocaust survivors.
The center for basic needs assistance:the center for basic needs assistance (cbna) offers an integrated response to address economic insecurity in the Jewish community and beyond. By integrating many core services under one roof, we help our clients meet their basic needs for food, housing, fuel, utilities, safety, resettlement supports, and more. Services include comprehensive case management and an acclaimed kosher food pantry, along with emergency financial assistance, benefits advocacy, legal Service, and supports for survivors of domestic violence.