Program areas at JFCS
Child welfare: jfcs provides a comprehensive system of care for abused, abandoned, neglected and at-risk children and their families in duval and nassau counties. In The current year, 2,776 children were served. As a subcontractor of Family support Services of north Florida, Inc., jfcs provides several Services in conjuction with this program. For more information see schedule o.the organization provides The following child welfare programs:- foster care: 770 children received case management Services to ensure their safety, well-being and safe reunification with their Family, whenever possible. - prevention: 1,920 children received Services to strengthen protective factors within The home and keep children safe and out of foster care. Through steps, families received voluntary in-home parenting, behavior modification, budgeting and referrals to resources. Through fast, families received intensive supervision and in-home Services to ensure safety in The home. Through high risk newborn, caregivers of children ages 0-5 received counseling and case management to strengthen parent-child bonds and ensure safety. - adoption: 86 foster children who could not safely return to their birth parents were placed with their new forever families. - supervised visitation: visitation specialists supervised 3,100 visits between children and parents, helping families rebuild attachments and pave The way for Family reunification. Visits allow parents a venue to practice skills learned, while affording case managers and visitation specialists an opportunity to assess safety and Family interaction.
Youth Services: jfcs served 1,201 students through The achievers for life program. Selected by united way of northeast Florida for this pilot initiative, jfcs partners with communities in schools to provide middle school students at-risk of dropping out with Family advocacy Services to help move them successfully into The next grade and increase their capacity for completing high school on time. Serving as lead agency for The administration of The program, jfcs also provides students (and their families) in ten duval county public middle schools with assessment case management, parent engagement activities and referrals for family-stabilization Services. 98% of students are successfully promoted to The next grade level. For more information see schedule o. The organization provides The following Services:- at-hope youth & Family advocacy: Family advocates provided case management to 110 youth with civil citations or diversion sanctions to help them (and their families) acquire The resources, skills and behaviors to make more responsible choices and avoid further crime. After participating in The program, 98% of youth did not re-enter The criminal justice system (re-offend).
Family Services: jfcs partners with families and caregivers to provide The support, education and practical resources they need to make decisions and ensure future well-being. In The current year, 6,723 individuals were served through this program. For more information see schedule o.the organization provides The following Family Services:- circle of security parenting: 107 parents participated in this attachment-based parenting education program to help them better understand and build on their relationships with their children.- great kids through great co-parenting: 298 parents participated in this duval county Family court-approved class, required for divorcing parents prior to finalization. - dupont counseling group outpatient mental health counseling: 436 children, teens and adults received individual, Family and/or couples assessment, treatment planning and outpatient counseling Services. 207 clients received psychiatric evaluation and medication management Services. - dupont counseling group outpatient substance abuse treatment: 46 teens and adults received individual and Family screening, assessment, treatment planning, outpatient counseling and education Services focused on recovery and wellness. - fast: 218 children and parents received intensive in-home counseling Services aimed at stabilizing The Family and preventing entry into The child welfare system. - teams: 284 children, parents and caregivers received specialized therapeutic Services to reduce symptoms of child trauma upon entry into care and increase parent engagement and placement stability.- full service schools: 440 children in The arlington full service school feeder pattern participated in individual, Family and group counseling to strengthen Family functioning. An additional 500 students participated in mindfulness and social emotional learning activities. - assessment: 194 children in foster care received comprehensive behavioral health assessments to identify their mental health service needs and help shape their case plan.- Jewish Services: jfcs addresses The physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of The Jewish Community through a variety of Services such as, but not limited to care management, holocaust survivor support and home-care Services, educational inclusion Services, meals, transportation, Family literacy and engagement programs, tolerance education, Community engagement activities and financial assistance. In The current year, 3,913 individuals were served by this program.- safety first supervised visitation & safe exchange: through collaboration between The city of jacksonville, fourth judicial circuit court and hubbard house, Inc., jfcs operates jacksonville's only fee-free supervised visitation and safe exchange center for families experiencing domestic violence. Safety first helps children maintain a connection with both of their parents, ensuring The safety of all involved, in a warm, family-friendly environment. Jfcs served 66 families this past fiscal year.
Emergency financial assistance: jfcs distributes federal, state and local dollars to help prevent homelessness. In The current year, 23,435 individuals received emergency financial assistance. Families receive resources including temporary financial assistance, case management, life skills education, emergency grocery supplies and linkage to Community resources. - housing assistance: 413 households with 1,522 household members at-risk of eviction, utility shut-off or homelessness received help with rent, mortgage and utility bills. - max block food pantry: 19,411 hungry individuals received nutritious, non-perishable food through The on-site emergency food pantry, resulting in 174,699 meals provided and 211,900 pounds of food distributed. Satellite pantries at george Washington carver elementary school, beauclerc elementary school, andrew jackson high school and inspire to rise served 4,560 individuals. - fanny landwirth clothes closet: more than 500 children received new and gently worn clothing. - holiday gift giving: thanks to The generosity of local donors, corporations and youth groups, 2,003 children and seniors received gifts and gift baskets to brighten their holidays.