Program areas at JFS
Community resources for stability (crs) provides individuals and families in crisis with food, limited emergency financial assistance, care management, and information and referrals. Jfs offers robust and comprehensive assistance to individuals and families in crisis while promoting long-term self-sufficiency and preventing homelessness. By providing supportive services such as financial assistance, case management, job preparation employment services, jfs is helping the most at-risk people in our community stabilize their lives and improve their economic security. In addition, jfs increases access to fresh, healthy, and nutritious foods and meals at the weinberg food pantry serving 860,000 pounds of food to 28,000 households comprised of nearly 69,000 individuals annually. Moreover, we delivered essential food and supplies to homebound older adults each week and provided over 26,000 meals in fy23. The lunchbox express program provided 10,843 free, healthy lunches to children living in neighborhoods with high rates of poverty to combat childhood fy23, we launched jfs mobile food & hygiene pantry which provides food assistance in areas of need for those facing food insecurity. The mobile pantry travels to denver neighborhoods and housing complexes with high percentages of food insecurity and to community and recreation centers to reach those with transportation barriers, and locations we serve during the summer months through our lunchbox express program. Removing transportation barriers ensures families experiencing food insecurity will have continued access to healthy, fresh, and culturally relevant foods such as produce, meats, and dried goods, as well as information on how to access the more than 30 programs and services offered by jfs. The mobile food pantry served more than 190,000 meals in fy23.through its emergency housing assistance program, jfs provides emergency financial assistance protecting families facing eviction, ensuring their ability to pay their rent, mortgage, or bills, and increasing their long-term financial stability. 654 households were served in fy23.
Mental health counseling & services partners with clients, families, and the community to create opportunities to achieve emotional wellness and stability. Our team of skilled mental health professionals is committed to helping, improving, and making a difference in the lives of those struggling with mental health issues. Jfs provides quality trauma-informed therapy in person or through hipaa-approved teletherapy for more than 1,220 individuals, couples, and families through 12,581 sessions to support neighbors dealing with a variety of issues, including depression, grief, trauma, relationship issues, anxiety, and Family crises. Our bilingual russian-speaking therapist offers counseling and support to denver's underserved russian population. Through the refugee mental health program, jfs provides competent, trauma-informed therapy on an outpatient basis to refugee individuals and families who are adjusting to life in Colorado for more than 211 refugees from 10 different countries. Kidsuccess provides free school-based mental health services to 534 students at 15 denver public schools and one private school.
Aging care & connections (acc) provides consistent care, eases transitions, and creates a vibrant support team for older adults and their families. The jay and rose phillips aging care & connections department helps 605 older adults live safely and independently in the setting of their choice by providing 11,083 services ranging from care management, counseling, and homemaker services. This program reduces social isolation and barriers to care for older adults in aging-friendly communities by offering inclusive programs and support services such as kosher meals on wheels, meals at the jcc, and friendly visitors. Additionally, jfs provides vital services to 105 holocaust survivors in need of care and support that allow them to remain safely in their own homes and maintain a good quality of life.
Employment services - jfs is a unique provider of workforce development services because it provides intensive, individualized case management and a full continuum of services focused on self-sufficiency and a two-generation approach to remediating systemic and generational poverty. Our work is in-person and virtual to serve coloradans who have been disproportionally affected by the pandemic and those who face systemic or perceived barriers to work gain employment stability and economic mobility in 21st century Colorado jobs earning a living wage. Jfs provides employment services to jobseekers, including job application and rsum assistance, workshops, and individualized job assistance. Jfs partners with denver metro area businesses and organizations by providing them with qualified and assessed job candidates at no charge. We also provide intensive case management and job readiness services for those eligible for temporary assistance to needy families (tanf). Abby's impact, a client centered, integrated program for young adults that builds skills to facilitate resiliency and foster healthy minds, served over 2,000 clients in fy23.
Disability services - jfs supports 73 people with disabilities as well as their families and caregivers by providing a person-centered approach to individually customized services. Services for people with disabilities include connecting participants to volunteer opportunities, meaningful employment, and social and recreational activities. Our disability program builds the workforce of the denver metro area by providing individual and group employment support for those with barriers to employment. The arts and community exploration (ace) program is a people-centered interactive day program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In addition, jfs coordinates the Jewish disability advocates (jda) program to promote full participation and inclusion of people with disabilities who are of the Jewish faith into the Jewish community and the community at-large. In fy22 jda initiated a Jewish best buddies chapter, matching adults with idd with neurotypical buddies. The program has offered many programs and activities for buddies to participate in.
Jfs boulder - jfs boulder helped 2,152 individuals through 8,975 services to maintain a high quality of life through programs and services that keep them supported, connected, and engaged. Services include care management, counseling, companionship, emergency assistance, and holiday celebrations.jfs boulder continues to process emergency housing assistance claims for individuals and families whose income(s) have been directly impacted by covid-19 and the marshall fire and continues to oversee mental health counseling services to those impacted by the marshall fire.
Chaplaincy services - jfs's community chaplain provides spiritual comfort to 436 Jewish individuals and families through 1,321 services ranging from direct spiritual care to those who are ill, in crisis, or near the end of their lives - in hospitals, mental health institutions, correctional facilities, or at home.
Refugee resettlement - in october 2022, jfs became a permanent reception & placement (r&p) agency working in partnership with hias, the global Jewish organization for refugees, making jfs the fourth resettlement agency in Colorado. Jfs resettled 102 refugees from afghanistan, democratic republic of congo, syria, sudan, ukraine, and latin america. Available services for refugees include mental health care; cultural orientation; access to culturally appropriate food and essential items; ongoing case management to further assist with the transition to Colorado; assistance with government benefits, language courses, and school enrollment; workforce development and employment support; and vital assistance securing affordable housing.
Volunteers - the volunteer services program utilizes the skills and experience of a diverse pool of volunteers to strengthen the services of the agency by helping to coordinate food distribution in the food pantry; enhancing the lives of older adults with regular visits and outings; leading holiday and shabbat celebrations at nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, hospitals, and prisons, distributing lunches to children in low-income neighborhoods during the summer; feeding older adults at a congregate meal setting; providing one-to-one friendship to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities; helping with resettlement of newly arrived refugees; and providing pro bono professional services. In fy23, over 21,543 hours of volunteer time supported jfs programs and services.