Program areas at Jewish Federation of Greater Houston
The most significant ways the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston (JFGH) makes a difference in Jewish lives is through its annual appeal. Funds raised each year benefit millions of Jews in need in Houston, across the United States, in Israel and around the world. Continued on Schedule OThe Jewish Federation of Greater Houston grants funds to programs and organizations that provide vital assistance such as: Provide food, shelter and medical care; Educate the youth of our community; Provide senior care, services and programming; Facilitate leadership development and youth engagement programming; Reconnect Jews with the Jewish Community; Offer Jewish programming for young families and children; Develop Israel advocacy skills; Support Israel travel for youth; Aid people with special needs.
Disaster Response - The Federation plays a key role in disaster response for Houston's Jewish community. Natural and man-made disasters that occur locally, nationally, or even internationally require immediate response. The Federation utilizes its position as conveyor to lead the Jewish community's recovery efforts. This work helps those in need and ensures those in immediate need are served.
Strategy, Education and Engagement (SE&E) - This Department nurtures the continuity and quality of Jewish life in the Greater Houston area by fostering and strengthening life-long engagement and learning in the Jewish community. Within education, the department is dedicated to enhancing the quality of formal and informal Jewish education in the community, promoting enrollment and participation in Jewish education at all levels, advocating on behalf of students, parents, institutions and professionals involved in Jewish education, encouraging and providing for the professional growth of educators, and serving as a facilitator for cooperation and collaboration among schools and community organizations. Continued on Schedule O The Federation strives to engage all members of our community in Jewish life. The engagement portfolio includes young families through PJ Library, young adults through YAD (Young Adult Division) and the community through programs such as Yom Limmud, Chai Lights and Insights Speaker series, and programs with partners both local and from Israel. The Engagement team also coordinates professional networks of those working to engage the community in Jewish programming in Houston.