Program areas at Jewish Federation of the Berkshires
the Federation allocates funds to its affiliate organizations, oversees needs and other initiatives and organizations it deems appropriate. During 2022, the Federation produced 91 educational, cultural, family, and holiday programs for the community with over 5,300 attendees and engaged over 200 volunteers. the Federation received donations from over 1,100 donors and assisted 22 organizations. Camp and israel travel scholarships were awarded to 38 children and teens.
the older adult kosher hot meal program provides nutritious meals, companionship and educational stimulation for seniors and the homebound each year. the program includes kosher meals on wheels delivered, in-person community meals and holiday care packages. During 2022, the Federation provided 3,600 meals and 414 care packages for older adults.
the berkshire Jewish voice newspaper unites the community and broadens spiritual, political and cultural understanding through a mix of news, events, opinion and discussion. During 2023, the Federation published 9 editions and distributed 22,500 copies. the Federation also distributed 4,000 copies of the berkshire Jewish summer guide, a supplement of the berkshire Jewish voice.
the Jewish Federation provides various other programs and services to the local Jewish community including social services, emergency assistance, Jewish programming, community relations, the berkshire b'nai tzedek youth foundation, volunteer programs and the women's foundation programs.