Program areas at Jobs for Americas Graduates NM
JAG-NM is a state affiliate of Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG), a national non-profit organization with over 40 years of proven results, dedicated to supporting young people of great promise to succeed. As the sponsor of JAG in New Mexico, JAG-NM offers the JAG Model, an in-school program focused on helping students at greatest risk of dropping out to show up, reconnect, and graduate from high school, ready for further education, career, and life. JAG-NM partners with high schools to place a JAG Specialist (teacher), who is responsible for implementing the JAG Model, in the JAG classroom. The Specialists are licensed teachers who are employed directly by participating school districts through funding streams to which they have access. Three districts with six high schools implemented the JAG Model Program in 2022-23; Albuquerque Public Schools - Cibola High School, Del Norte High School, and 2 programs at Rio Grande High School; Rio Rancho Public Schools - Independence High School; and Zuni Public School District - Twin Buttes Cyber Academy and Zuni High School. In contrasting JAG to other programs serving adolescents and young adults, it's important to note that JAG is not an out-of-school time program. Rather, JAG draws it impact from the work of highly trained specialists who provide engaging, experiential classroom-based instruction and other forms of advice and support both inside and outside the classroom. These specialists are deeply embedded in the schools in which they work, helping to mediate students' day-to-day interactions within that school environment. As a school partner, JAG-NM provides training, professional development, curriculum resources, software platforms, student leadership and career development experiences, student membership in the JAG National Career Association, and a data management system to ensure fidelity to the JAG Model. The Executive Director is responsible for the overall leadership and management of the JAG accredited organization and the systems and people that are essential in operating one or more of the JAG Model Program Applications. The Program Manager is responsible for training, coaching, and accountability of the JAG Specialists and serves as a liaison between JAG-NM and the schools. Additionally, staff links the business and education communities to extend the necessary dropout prevention and school-to-career transition services to schools and students to further the employability skills of JAG students in the State of New Mexico. In the 2022-23 school year, there were 346 students enrolled in JAG who received classroom instruction and supportive services. JAG-NM's student profile is highly diverse. During the 22-23 program year, JAG-NM's student population was 54% Hispanic; 36% Native American; 5% White, Caucasian; 3% Multi-Racial; and 2% Black, African American. Additionally, JAG-NM students face an average of six barriers to academic success upon entry to the program. For example, 96% of JAG students are economically disadvantaged, 67% have previously exhibited low academic performance, and 28% were previously chronically absent. In addition, JAG-NM provided services to 58 graduates from the Class of 2022 to assist in the successful transition from high school to further education and a job. The Graduation Rate for the Class of 2022 was 100%. Additional outcomes included a Full-Time Employment Rate of 94%, and a Further Education rate of 39%.