Program areas at JCEO
Head start program:the head start program is a comprehensive early childhood education program providing services to income eligible and/or disabled children and their families. Services provided include: mental health services, nutrition education/services, social services/parent involvement, and health related services.
Community outreach program:the community outreach program (cop) is dedicated to meeting the needs of the economically disadvantaged, the handicapped and the elderly. Cop provides families and individuals with basic necessities such as food and clothing, resource and referral services to required services, and application assistance for such services as heap, christmas bureau, child health plus, lifeline, etc.
General community services:provides services to the general community in the forms of food, daycare, medical transportation, and other needed services.
Weatherization assistance program:the weatherization assistance program (wap) is an energy conservation program that helps low-income households conserve energy and educates the client on how to conserve. The wap, by making repairs or improvements to a home, an apartment or a heating system, results in energy savings for households receiving services.
Day care program:the day care program is dedicated to meeting the increasing availability and utilization of registered in-home day care providers within Clinton county. The day care program provides individuals, seeking to become registered providers, free training and technical assistance, as well as funds that are used to meet health and safety requirements. The day care program also acts as the local agent of the child and adult care food program (cacfp).
Nutrition:the nutrition program provides outreach and education on federal food programs. Among the services provided are confidential pre-screening for food stamp eligibility and assistance with applications and documentation. The nutrition program also provides information, applications and technical assistance for the summer food service program and school meal programs.the hunger prevention and nutrition assistance program (hpnap)provides needy families and individuals with nutritious food preventing the condition of hunger and improving community health. Consumers are provided with locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Proper freshness and nutrients are maintained through a process of cleaning, steaming/blanching, freezing, and vacuum packaging. Jceo distributes the produce throughout the region. The nutrition outreach and education program (noep) offers free and confidential services to connect hungry new yorkers with nutrition assistance programs.
Senior outreach program:the senior outreach program provides an array of services to senior citizens of Clinton county. Program services are designed to assist seniors in maintaining their independence and include: friendly visitor/telephone assurance, older worker link to employment, rural transportation, home visits, and resource and referral.