Program areas at Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities
Publications & collaborations - publications and collaborations in 2023 include:speaking truth to power: christian Faith actors and kenya's liberation movements; decolonising the international development sector requires a disruption (part 1): a focus on the past can mask the colonial present; decolonising the international development sector requires a disruption (part 2): engaging Faith actors to transform colonial power structures; ngo-isation, Local Faith actors and "legitimate" humanitarian action in south sudan; no one is safe: advocacy and policy engagement on the covid-19 pandemic; decolonisation, violence, and Faith: reflections on israel, palestine and beyond; participatory research capacity-sharing for pve, conflict and peace practitioners; insights from an international, collaborative project focused on pve, religion and youth; jli 2022 annual report; Faith framing climate: a review of Faith actors' definitions and usage of climate change; emissions and environmental surveys with Faith actors: a pilot project with the episcopal church in the philippines; cultural adaptation of mental health progammes in the syrian context: dialogue sessions report; culturally sensitive mental health and psychosocial support in the syrian(mhpss) context; annotated bibliography on mhpss, culture and Faith in syrian Communities; Faith, Local actors,and the localization of international humanitarian response; secular-religious dynamics and their effect on humanitarian norms compliance; effective Faith partnerships during covid-19: lessons learned from development practitioners; grappling with ethnoreligious politics, double colonialism and positionalities in vietnam. Jli also sent 4 newsletters to 2632 subscribers in 2023.
Conferences, panels, and talks - jli continued to host regular meetings of the religions, humanitarianism, and development research reading group throughout the 2023, jli launched "rethinking and development", a new blog on Faith action,evidence,and partnerships as an open space for members, partners, and staff to share their perspectives and experiences on issues relating to Local Faith actors in humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding 2023, a special series about jli was started by the interim ceo on his "walk talk listen" podcast. All episodes are available on the jli website as well as on various streaming may 2023, jli began organizing, along with wcc and unep Faith for earth, an online workshop on climate-responsible finance: a moral imperative towards children.