Program areas at Jonah Bokaer Arts Foundation
4a) Jonah Bokaer choreography Jonah Bokaer choreography has authored 67 original works, produced in 34 nations, 27 of the united states, and 292 cities - including 41 museum exhibitions worldwide since the program was founded in 2002. Program services in 2022 included a world premiere at fiaf, in collaboration with architect charles renfro, including live music by isang yun, a special collaboration with musicians jennifer & angela chun. Dancers of Jonah Bokaer choreography also became certified in d.e.l. (dance education laboratory), and Arts education programming more than doubled. Tours and programs were also increased including premieres in hudson, ny; storrs, ct; miami, fl; plovdiv, bulgaria; jeddah, saudi arabia; and the muse d'orsay in paris, france.
4c) cpr - center for performance research cpr, our second of many affordable art spaces (2008), is situated at 361 manhattan avenue 1, in brooklyn's 34th district. The space remains consistently, sustainably dedicated to supporting the local dance community through highly subsidized rehearsal rentals, made possible by generous funding from: andrew w. mellon Foundation, new york state council for the Arts, department of cultural affairs (dca) cultural development fund cpr was co-founded by Jonah Bokaer and john jasperse in 2008, and Bokaer and jasperse's nonprofit organizations co-own 361 manhattan avenue 1. Also in brooklyn's 34th district, and down the street from chez bushwick, cpr's subsidized rental economics were designed by Jonah Bokaer, who served as its founding president, signatory, and generator of an annual spring benefit. An achievement of note includes the successful payoff of the mortgage in full for 361 manhattan avenue 1.
4b) chez bushwick studio chez bushwick, our first of many affordable artspaces (2002), is situated at 304 boerum street 23, in brooklyn's 34th district. The space remains consistently, sustainably dedicated to supporting the local dance community through highly subsidized rehearsal rentals starting at 8/hour, made possible by generous funding from: andrew w. mellon Foundation , ford Foundation, new york state council for the Arts & department of cultural affairs (dca) cultural development fund in 2022, 15 artists were offered 14-week residencies dedicated to fostering the creation, development, and performance of new work by both emerging and mid-career choreographers. Our organization, with peer panel selection,provides artists up to 100 hours of rehearsal space during off- peak hours 7-11am and 7pm-12am, monthly peer forums, feedback, and a presentation of the new work developed during the residency. This new work may be presented in any form, at any stage of progress at the final showing. Annual artists-in-residence are curated through an open application process, and final selections are chosen by an independent panel of industry professionals. Applications were assessed based on existing exposure of the artist, the quality of the application, the work sample and the project proposed.