Program areas at Jones County Partnership for Children
NC Pre-K Program (2342,2348,3322,3323): Financial assistance will be paid on a direct per child basis for the purchase of care and enhancements in NC Pre-K sites for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) eligible or Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) eligible families. This activity will be implemented by the contractor who will report data as directed by DCDEE. Does NOT include wrap around care.
Program Coordination and Evaluation (5603): The Executive Director will serve as Program Coordinator. She will monitor and evaluate Direct Service Providers and In-House Activities for fiscal and programmatic compliance; collaborate among Smart Start funded activities and other service providers in the community to ensure the overall success of Smart Start; coordinate services to avoid duplication and ensure that all funded activities have knowledge of other funded activities to ensure result driven outcomes. The Executive Director will contract for evaluations as deemed necessary. This activity will serve as the liaison between funded activities and those working in the area of early child care and education, health and family support. The Service Providers will receive annual orientations and constant guidance in the implementation process. It will provide training for the Board Members giving them the skills needed to make good choices in selecting and continuing programs that meet the needs of the required population, within the constraints of NCPC. This activity will provide onsite monitoring, data reporting, monthly reports, and evaluation reports.
Quality Enhancements/Environmental Ratings (3125): Our Partnership would like to provide high standards for our children. In order to assist facilities in improving their overall quality, a technical assistance activity will be implemented. This activity will utilize a comprehensive approach to technical assistance that includes: customized quality improvement plans consisting of program development, staff professional development and the two component license. The Early Education Specialist (EES) will be available to Jones County facilities interested in improving the quality of care they offer. Plans will be based on the Environmental Rating Scales. Eligible facilities can receive grants of up to $5000.00 for centers and $3000.00 for homes. One to three star facilities may apply based on their improvement plan and willingness to accept subsidized children. Four and five star facilities may apply to improve/increase capacity and their willingness to accept subsidized children. Unregulated facilities are not eligible to participate except under special circumstances approved by NCPC.
Dual Subsidy TANF/CCDF (2341,2361): Dual Subsidy Administration will provide administration for child care subsidy including program administration; family outreach and application; eligibility determination; payment processing; annual recertification; and reporting, etc. Dual Subsidy financial assistance will be paid on a direct per child basis for the purchase of care and enhancements for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) eligible or Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) eligible families. This activity will be implemented by the contractor who will report data into the state-level Smart Start Reporting System on a monthly basis. Includes wrap-around care.
Family Support (5505):This activity will provide workshops for parents or caretakers of children birth to five, lending library materials geared toward families, and referrals for parents to other agencies as appropriate. The Family Support Coordinator, Early Education Specialist, Health Check Coordinators and Program Coordinator will collaborate together to offer free workshops that will address four major topics to increase parenting skills as they relate to becoming more involved with their child learning, making their home safe, understanding the importance of having regular check-ups and managing their child's behavior. Parents will be required to complete four (4) workshops and complete the Parent Survey. The staff listed above and other qualified presenters will provide the training. The Family Support Coordinator will work with local agencies, churches, and Toys for Tots to provide support to parents and their families. This activity will provide educational child care, refreshments and incentives for parents and children. We will also offer the Mother Read/Father Read evidenced based/informed program to parents of children 0-5. Parents will have the opportunity to participate in a 20hr program over a course of 8-10 weeks designed to help develop skills in understanding early education reading techniques; reading to and with their child so that the child can learn to read at an age appropriate level. They will be given books to help them develop their own library for home use.
Training and Salary Supplement (3105) - The Education Incentive activity is designed to pay a stipend to child care providers, teacher assistance in the Pre-K program, and child care directors based on successful completion of college courses. The stipend is semester specific based on eligibility. Education Incentive Awards will be paid on a semi-annual basis. The Early Childhood Specialist will be available to early childhood teachers both in the field and at the Jones County Partnership for Children office to assist applicants in completing this process. This project will contribute to high quality early childhood programs by reinforcing the need for formal education.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library (5527): The Dolly Parton Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth to five years old, no matter their family's income. Through support from the state of North Carolina and the North Carolina Partnership for Children, Jones County Partnership for Children partners with Dolly Parton's Imagination Library to get books into the hands of Jones County children, birth to five years. Age appropriate books are mailed once a month to children of Jones County.
CCHC EXPANSION GRANT (3414): CCHC Grant was used to employ a Licensees Nurse to work with Child Care center to insure health and safety. Environmental safety and training.