Program areas at Joy As Resistance
CLINICAL SERVICES: The goal of our clinical services is to provide queer youth with an anti-oppressive, collaborative, and affirming therapeutic environment that increases radical joy in LGBTQIA2+ communities and beyond. We offer one-on-one therapy, group counseling services, and family consultation for supportive allies, friends, and family members of queer youth ages 10-24. We accept many types of insurance and charge for sessions on a sliding scale basis dependent on what each client/family can afford. We are proud to offer a range of service delivery options, ensuring accessibility for all in need of our services. We offer Telehealth and virtual options and can meet clients in their homes, schools, and communities. We also offer individual sessions in our mobile mental health clinic, Joyride, a traveling counseling space that meets clients in their communities wherever necessary.
Joyful Space: We offer consultation and hands-on partnership support to educators, schools, and youth-serving organizations to create joyful and inclusive spaces for queer youth. These services include GSA (Gender-Sexuality Alliance) Club start-up and ongoing support, assessment and recommendations for improvement, and intersectional professional development training on inclusive policies and practices within the topics of Gender and Sexaulity.
Big Queer, Little Queer: Queer youth come together and connect with queer adults to create professional and personal relationships, which increases their access to social capital. In turn, queer youth continue to expand their capacity for social and emotional well-being and contribute to joyous communities. Our mentorship program was requested and inspired by the youth we serve. We use a personalized matching process to pair LGBTQIA2+ young people with adults with similar interests and identities.