Program areas at Jubal Band Ministries
Summary of Jubal Band Ministries accomplishments Jubal Band Ministries (jbm) is a ministry which is expanding gods kingdom among farsi speakers and planting home churches; growing them up in the faith; and deploying them to reach others with his love. Everything we do is in order to reach all farsi speakers, many of whom have no other option for church of any kind or any christian resources; no option for fellowship, discipleship, training or encouragement that we in the west expect to be readily accessible and available to us. Jubal Band Ministries is employing the following means in order to reach them: 1. Publishing and distribution most farsi speaking people we are trying to reach dont have sufficient access to or knowledge about the internet. It becomes necessary, therefore, for us to print materials to get them into the hands of the people we are trying to reach. This primarily happens through secretly placing the materials somewhere for them to be found, such as in their mailboxes or in public places. Translation, design, printing, and distribution jbm spends a large portion of our time doing translation, design, providing materials and distribution of: *bibles *gospels *smyrna monthly magazine is jbms most effective outreach tool. It is a creatively designed monthly 52-page collection of articles on a variety of topics with appeal to a wide range of readers. The cover is designed to be not overtly christian, so as to also be appealing to unbelievers. We receive many calls with questions and testimonies from people who were unbelievers and have been reached through the pages of smyrna. *bible storybook for kids the first complete bible for children in farsi was published by jbm to help reach children and their parents. This book also has great appeal among adults who find it easy to read and understand. *other christian resources, including woman, book profiling 22 women in the bible 2. Social media this includes: online churches for all farsi speakers. Online and in-person churches for the farsi speakers in turkey. Smyrna online christian magazine which promotes biblical faith and the christian lifestyle, and shares the gospel with believers as well as with those who have never heard about jesus. Weekly broadcasting of live preaching, online courses, and church services daily conversation (questions & answers about christianity) online discipleship program womens group and counseling for persecuted christians. 3. Planting home churches it is in home churches that people come to faith, new believers learn biblical principles and how to live the christian lifestyle, they are discipled, gain understanding and support from other members, and become fruitful themselves. Jbm places a very high priority on training and equipping home church leaders, and providing them with resources. 4. Leadership training and development jbm places very high value on training and equipping their leaders so they can lead biblically and effectively. This training includes preparing leaders of home churches and members of our counseling and call center. Training includes, among others: *in-person leadership conferences *online 45-day leadership training and equipping course on topics such as: -the heart of the church and ministry -security issues -safety measures 5. Counseling and call center: in all printed resources, jbms contact information is included to give unbelievers and believers alike an opportunity to contact us with any questions about faith or other life issues theyd like to share with us. We receive thousands of calls and contacts (e.g. : text; phone; online platforms, etc.) With inquiries from believers and unbelievers alike from those who received our printed materials or watched our online programming. Many persian farsi speakers are currently living in desperate situations, often related to personal issues such as addiction or abuse, frequently in dire economic conditions. Most of them have grown up in a muslim culture, but many are not religious muslims. These people need to share their stories; to be heard; to be cared for. They need understanding, guidance, and prayer. They need someone to share the love of christ with them! The people who call us need to speak with someone fluent in farsi who has biblical knowledge, is compassionate, and will follow through with them. At jbm we train, equip, and motivate our members to do so! Jbm is passionate about those who are thirsty to know about jesus, and about listening to their pain and their hearts. We are committed to the great commission: to making disciples and to helping them become a part of the body of christ.