Program areas at Jubilee Jobs
Employment services: placement of unemployed in marketplace Jobs, preliminary interview of applicants and arrangement of interviews with employers, no fees collected from applicants or employers.
Jubilee Jobs - emerging leaders program the emerging leaders program is designed to help every young adult find appropriate work, passion for the future and the tools, education, and relationships for their dreams to become reality. The program goals are to: "provide professional, compassionate job preparation, job placement, and job retention services. "support applicants throughout their discovery process to define a career goals and actionable next steps. "encourage participants to further their education by obtaining either ged, associate's degree, bachelor's degree or certification from a vocational school. "connect emerging leaders with the access to resources (i.e. Scholarships, connections, Jobs) to further personal and professional growth. 2021 stats on emerging leaders: 77 emerging leaders placed in Jobs. Jj partnered with ballou high school during the 21/22 school year.
Job friends program: focus on job retention and advancement provide a community base of support and motivation.
Employment services in se: placement of unemployed in marketplace Jobs, preliminary interview of applicants and arrangement of interviews with employers, no fees collected from applicants or employers.