Program areas at JASCP
Junior Achievement in-class programs: preparing kindergarten through high school students and helping them develop skills for a global workforce.
Yes: half day program held at middle school, consisting of a series of four activities intended to help students gain an appreciation for the importance that financial and career decisions will play in their lives as young adults.
Biztown: this program is the capstone of elementary, 5th or 6th grade students. The program consists of 15 teacher led sessions at school followed by a full day simulation at the biztown facility. Students take on roles as employees and citizens and run the city for the day.
Ja stem summit: this program is a day long program for 9th or 10th grade students. It consists of 8 or 9 30 minute modules focused on stem careers. Chemistry, biology, math, physics, technology, engineering, trades, electricial careers are part of the event. Expenses $220,000ja real life: this program is a daylong program for 11th or 12th grade students. It focuses on financial literacy and work readiness. Half the day is a budgeting activity and the other half of the day is 4 30 minute activities. Expenses: $150,000ja inspire: career development program for 7th-12th grade students. Using virtual technology, local businesses are featured while providing downloadable career information, career videos and live zoom webinars to inspire career-readiness andconnect students with local opportunities. Expenses: $85000