Program areas at Junior League of Dallas
Reaching out to the community:the Junior League of Dallas annually returns approximately $1,000,000 to the Dallas community and provides trained volunteers who give over 130,000 uncompensated hours to 42 projects within six issue areas. Those areas reflect the needs in the Dallas community and are defined as arts & cultural enrichment, education, family preservation, health, poverty intervention and violence intervention. The Junior League of Dallas community program is identified by the research and development committee and approved by the active membership each year. Each volunteer spends at least 60 hours in her community placement helping countless numbers of citizens, young and old, in our community. Arts and cultural enrichment:enhancing the lives of children and adults through arts and cultural enrichment has been a long-standing commitment of the Junior League of Dallas. Our trained volunteers facilitate this in the lives of school children and senior citizens through community programs. We help bring music, art and dance to those who otherwise may not have the opportunity to experience excellence is also a goal of the Junior League of Dallas. The League accomplishes this by working with local schools and agencies to clarify the educational needs of the community and address themusing trained volunteers and funding dollars. Jld works with local educators to promote learning and build self-esteem among school children. In addition, League volunteers teach the illiterate to read through adult literacy programs, instruct the deaf to communicate using sign language, promote computer literacy, and serve as tutors and role models for children and at-risk young preservation:family preservation focuses on promoting physically and emotionally healthy family units. Junior League volunteers work with adults and children to enhance positive self-esteem and to teach personal responsibility and accountability. The jld supports and promotes a better quality of life for the elderly and focuses on projects that provide assistance for those experiencing a crisis or League volunteers ensure adequate, affordable, accessible health services and preventative care for residents of the Dallas community. The League devotes resources and volunteers camps that address the special needs of children living with asthma, diabetes, and sickle cell disease. Volunteers also work in four dallas-area hospitals to enhance patient care by educating and supporting those in need.poverty intervention:breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness in Dallas county is a primary concern of the Junior League of Dallas. The League works with local agencies to meet basic needs and improve the quality of life of the economically disadvantaged and underserved members of ourcommunity.violence intervention:jld volunteers are committed to providing solutions to issues of domestic violence, child abuse, and juvenile delinquency. This is done through education, advocacy, and support services. Volunteers assist victims of child abuse by aiding caseworkers or investigating reportsof child abuse or neglect, monitoring and expediting child abuse cases through the court system, and educating the community on these issues. Junior League financial resources and volunteers provide crucial contributions to the success of local programs to end the cycle offamily violence and provide a safe haven for those who become victims of such abuse.
Placement and programs:the Junior League of Dallas provides placement and program services to its members. These services place members as volunteers with agencies serving areas of interest to the members. This also includes member training and education.