Program areas at Ka Ipu Makani Cultural Heritage Center
The goal of Ka Ipu Makani's Culture and Aina Based Education(CABE) program focus area is to increase, enhance, and elevate culture, ina, and lelo Hawaii literacy within our community. We cultivate and perpetuate traditional knowledge via curriculum development and implementation, development of research and resource materials, providing internship and training programs, and providing programs that bolster Molokai cultural arts. During this period through our CABE focus areas a total of 6 participants were trained in loipunawai farming practices, more than 250 community members participated in community workdays at Kaupapaloi o Kaamola further increasing exposure to loipunawai farming practices.
The goal of Ka Ipu Makani's Heritage Preservation program focus area is to provide community access to archival and primary resources, material collections, oral histories, land documents, and family history records in order to support local research initiatives and promote the cultural and historical importance of Molokai. A tal of 5 participants were trained in records management and digitial archiving practices and methods. Over 20,000 unique records specific to the history of Molokai were digitized and digitally archived for preservation.
The goal of Ka Ipu Makanis Restoration and Stewardship program focus area is to reconnect Molokai ohana (families) with their wahi kpuna (ancestral heritage sites and landscapes), and support their inherent kuleana (responsibility) to care for these places. During this period, over 16,000 square feet of invasive vegetation were cleared at Kaupapaloi o Kaamola, and over 6 new loi were opened. Additionally, over 2,000 slips of huli were planted and more than 600lbs of kalo was distributed throughout the Molokai community.