Program areas at KFF
Policy - through our policy work we produce information, facts and analysis in a variety of key national health policy arenas. KFF policy experts work mainly on analyzing how people fare in the largest public health insurance programs - including medicare, medicaid and the affordable care act, and in private health insurance. In addition, we have special expertise in understanding racial and ethnic equity issues in health care, hiv, women's health policy and the nation's role in global health policy.
Public opinion & survey research program conducts and analyzes original research on americans' attitudes, knowledge and experiences with the health care system with the goal of amplifying the public's voice in major national debates, particularly the voice of often-disenfranchised groups such as the low income and uninsured. KFF conducts polls itself and in partnership with major news organizations.
Journalism - KFF health news, our credentialed, nonprofit, editorially-independent news service, is committed to in-depth coverage of health care policy and politics. KFF health news provides the highest quality news coverage of health policy issues and developments at the federal and state levels, in the marketplace and how they affect people. KFF health news serves as the premier source of health policy journalism distributing our content through dozens of partner news organizations who run KFF health news stories, among them the Washington post, npr, new york times, usa today, mcclatchy newspapers, chicago tribune, philadelphia inquirer and a broad range of broadcast partners.
Social impact media - we develop and help run large-scale, public health information campaigns in the u.s. by working with major media, other corporate allies, health departments, national leadership and community organizations. These large-scale, multi-faceted public information partnerships focus mostly at reaching people most at risk of hiv and currently focus on the south under the umbrella name greater than aids. The health misinformation and trust initiative - in late fall 2022, KFF began to develop this new program to identify and address misinformation and disinformation in health. KFF makes no programmatic grants. Grants consist of trustee special project grants and matching gifts, which qualify as grants, and are listed on schedule i.
Health policy analysis
Health communication & media partnerships