Program areas at Kaiser Permanente of Georgia
Member Health care services and medical training for care improvement Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia, inc. (kfhp-ga) provides medical and surgical care, including urgent care services, extended care and home Health care, for its members without regards to age, sex, race, religion or national origin or the ability to pay. Kfhp-ga educates and trains medical students and other Health care professionals and promotes scientific and nursing education in order to improve care for our members and our community. Kfhp-ga directly invests in improvements in community Health by working to increase access to Health care, improving the conditions for Health and equity and providing Health education.
Medicaid and other government sponsored programs Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia (kfhp-ga) is committed to improving medical care for beneficiaries of medicaid and other government sponsored programs, not only for kfhp-ga members, but also, within the communities we serve. Kfhp-ga participates in the federal medicaid program as a provider of pediatric primary and specialty care through contracts with amerigroup, peach state Health Plan, and wellcare Health plans. At the end of 2023, a total of 25,000 individuals were receiving benefits through kfhp-ga's managed care contracts.
Charity care (medical financial assistance and charitable Health coverage) Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia (kfhp-ga) provides charity care to low income vulnerable patients through the medical financial assistance (mfa) and charitable Health coverage (chc) programs. Kfhp-ga offers financial assistance through the mfa program to help families and individuals with a demonstrated financial need pay for all or part of the cost of emergency or medically necessary care provided in Kaiser permanente facilities and/or by Kaiser permanente providers. In 2023, this program assisted almost 30,000 patients through financial assistance. The chc program offers regular Kaiser Foundation Health Plan membership at minimal cost to low income families who are not eligible for other public or privately sponsored coverage. A total of 1,000 individuals were receiving comprehensive Health care through this program at the end of 2023.
Sch. O, community benefit report