Program areas at Keep America Beautiful
Cigarette litter prevention program - the cigarette litter prevention program (clpp) is one of Keep America Beautiful's signature national programs. It is designed to support local community improvement initiatives for reducing cigarette butt litter and providing butt recycling options. Since its establishment more than 20 years ago, this signature program has consistently cut cigarette butt litter by approximately half based on local measurements taken in the first four to six months after program implementation. Survey results also demonstrate that as communities continue to implement and monitor the program those reductions are sustained or even increased over time. Each year, Keep America Beautiful awards clpp grants to its affiliates, local governments, business improvement districts, downtown associations, parks and recreation areas, and other organizations dedicated to eradicating litter and beautifying their communities. Keep America Beautiful has distributed more than $3 million in grant funding to support local implementation of the program in more than 1,800 communities nationwide.
Great american cleanup - the Keep America Beautiful great american cleanup is the nation's largest community improvement program, which takes place annually during spring and celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2023. In 2023, over 9,500 events were held around the country, mobilizing over 300,000 volunteers and participants to create a positive and lasting impact. The great american cleanup prompts individuals to take greater responsibility for their local environment by conducting grassroots community service projects that engage volunteers, local businesses and civic leaders meeting needs the communities identify. The great american cleanup began as a litter cleanup initiative designed to aesthetically improve our environment by creating cleaner parks, streetscapes and public spaces through litter removal and elimination. To this day, community cleanups remain at the very heart of the campaign. In 2023, nearly 22 million pounds of litter and recyclables were collected by volunteers throughout the country. They cleaned and improved over 780 thousand acres of parks, public lands, playgrounds, and trails; an area slightly larger than yosemite national park. Kab affiliate volunteers also cleaned over 21 thousand miles of streets, roadways, and highways, which equates to nearly half the length of the us interstate system. Our community greening and beautification efforts range from planting over 6,000 trees that cool neighborhoods and sequester carbon; to planting over 65,000 plants, shrubs, and flowers in gardens that create vibrant gateways to shopping and entertainment districts; to creating community gardens that help feed the hungry and educate young gardeners. Keep America Beautiful strives to motivate more americans to make informed decisions and take simple, everyday actions to reduce, reuse and recycle right through their participation in the great american cleanup. Through programs such as the great american cleanup, Keep America Beautiful transforms public places into Beautiful spaces helping to make communities that are environmentally healthy, socially connected and economically sound.
Clean California - Keep America Beautiful is the lead subcontractor on a three-year caltrans clean California public education subcontract led by sagent. Kab, working closely with Keep California Beautiful and over a dozen california-based local kab affiliates, has delivered and continues to deliver a variety of important outcomes for this project. Kab's qualitative and quantitative research efforts, including focus groups and litter surveys, have helped strengthen the messaging and effectiveness of the statewide clean California campaign. Kab also conducts community engagement to increase awareness of litter prevention and mitigation through coordinating with local partners to host a dozen community transformation cleanups and 15 litter demonstration projects, while also sharing community resources and disseminating thousands of individual cleanup kits to individuals and groups across the state. Kab and kcb also developed a k-12 multimedia education contest with plans for the second year to launch in fall 2024, backed by educator outreach statewide. Kab has developed and undertaken preliminary outreach for a clean California community designation program to reach 100 communities statewide, with the public launch tentatively planned for early august 2024. Kab has planned a paid media campaign to amplify awareness about and participation in the designation program among targeted audiences. The clean California public education campaign runs through june 2025.
All other programs include the following:providing assistance to our local, statewide, and international affiliates to support their efforts in educating individuals about litter prevention and ways to reduce, reuse, recycle, and properly manage waste materials.retreet: working together, Keep America Beautiful and retreet focus on a new kab strategic priority: community restoration and resiliency. We bring community volunteers together to form small teams, train them on how to effective plant native trees, and work to plant these trees in areas that have been impacted by natural disasters. Replanting and restoring our communities help Keep them healthier and more resilient, literally growing deep roots to anchor and stabilize flood-prone areas, lessen erosion, and improve natural resiliency.national conference: the Keep America Beautiful national conference is a learning and sharing gathering open to our 700 affiliates around the country and beyond as well as their volunteers and stakeholders. Best practices are shared, sector innovation is explored and cohorts facing similar challenges and opportunities are brought together to maximize the value, efficiency and expertise of the network.