Program areas at Keep the Change Incorporated
"In The Game" Chaplaincy Program: designed to help athletes, coaches, and their families as they face the spiritual and emotional impact of being fully immersed in an academic and competitive environment. We were fortunate to serve tens of thousands of individuals this fiscal year. Through strategic messages to players and around the clock availability to teams, this was accomplished. The objective now and in the future is to improve the quality of life for athletes and help them navigate the setbacks and challenges they face daily, with an emphasis on mental health.
"Character/Leadership Development" Program: Designed to develop the leadership skills and character development of all that experience one of our events, trainings, or presentations. We were blessed to provide relevant resources and training to students and communities across the USA.
"Father Me" Program: Dedicated to provide mentor-leadership and a blueprint for fatherhood for athletes with children that specifically don't live in their home. With a life on life approach we give these athlete fathers a compelling reason to be a rock in the life of their children. We teach practical skills and offer helpful literature that will enhance their parenting.
"Against The Flow Outreach": these public speaking events are all about encouraging audiences to dare to be different, defy odds, and overcome adversity. These teaching sessions focus on hurting people who are searching for hope. With presentations nationally, we inspired an estimated 250,000+ people across the country who we refer to as the least, lost, and often left out. We deliver real, relatable, and relevant messages that inspire and motivate those enduring tough times to participate in their life change.