Program areas at Keep Winston-Salem Beautiful
Flower Beds & Bulbs: Provide flowers and distribute bulbs to community & neighborhood organizations, other Keep America Beautiful affiliates, and other North Carolina cities for landscaping and flower beds. Distributed 500,000 bulbs (valued at $92,500) in January 2023. Hold annual flower bed competition for organizations and individuals in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County, NC. Prize money given to 3 individual winners in FY 22-23 totaled $120.
Community Clean Ups: Coordinate volunteers to clean waterways, streets, parking lots, school grounds, and parks at annual events (Great American Clean Up and Big Sweep) and in ongoing site adoption programs. Pounds of trash & recyclables collected in FY 22-23: Great American Clean Up--10,500; Big Sweep--6,320; Adoption Programs--7,421
Tree Planting and Landscape Projects: Includes two components. First, an annual tree planting ("Community Roots Day") in one or more neighborhoods using community volunteers. In FY 22-23 200 trees were planted in public right of ways, specifically in areas of the city that are classified as underserved and lack a poor tree canopy in that aera. Second, a cooperative effort with neighborhood organizations and the Winston-Salem Foundation (WSF) to establish and maintain landscape planting areas in public rights-of-way at key neighborhood locations. Current projects are Country Club Circle and Buena Vista Median.
general supplies needed for core operations