Program areas at Keiro Senior Healthcare
1) conducted and organized wellness programs and health education for a total of 1,560 hours of classes, serving 1,451 individuals virtually and in person. Program topics included emergency preparedness, first-aid, Senior scams, fall prevention, mindfulness, technology support, overall wellness, and other subjects related to healthy aging and quality of life.2) awarded $300,000 in grants to 32 nonprofit organizations in support of enhancing quality of life among japanese american and japanese older adults and caregivers in southern California. Supported programs including outreach to isolated older adults, meal delivery, capacity building, wellness programs, and care provision to support social connections for older adults and caregivers in their residences. Conducted three educational webinars for organization leaders and community members interested in applying for Keiro grants.3) supported residents of care facilities formerly owned by Keiro and three additional care facilities serving japanese american and japanese older adults. Provided 107 culturally-sensitive entertainment programs and supported traditional holiday celebrations. Provided art and memory enhancing supplies to enrich the activites programs, as well as japanese snacks, meals and other food items to promote the quality of life for older adults residing in care facilities.4) provided case management/referral Services to 88 community members, including placement in long-term care facilities, locating in-home care agencies and accessing services.5) iyashi care - partnered with providence health & Services to provide culturally sensitive palliative care to older adults with serious illnesses and/or debilitating symptoms, and support for their families. The program provides a team composed of bilingual-speaking doctors, nurses, and social workers that visits patients at their homes or care facility to provide clinical care and social Services. Also provided seven presentations for community education on the program and how to access resources.6) partnered with little tokyo service center to provide a client assistance fund for older adults with limited resources, developed a caregiver support group facilitator training, and provided 2,194 hours of mental health counseling and case management Services to older adults with limited resources. The client assistance fund provided a safety net for individuals with emergency short term needs for housing, food, medicines and other life essentials. Caregiver support group facilitator training manual was finalized to allow for future trainings. The mental health counseling provided expanded Services to japanese low-income older adults suffering with major life stressors and conditions such as clinical depresssion, anxiety, various phobias, and obssesive compulsive disorder.7) hosted the sixth annual Keiro no hi festival in person in little tokyo for the first time post-pandemic since 2019. Keiro no hi is an established holiday in japan to celebrate older adults. The festival was attended by 500 older adults, caregivers, and volunteers. The event included performances by local older adult groups, interactive photo opportunities, and educational seminars hosted during the program. This traditional holiday event also provided activities and opportunities for older adults to be celebrated and honored.8) hosted an in-person caregiver conference in orange county to provide resources for 200 registered family caregivers. Presentations included direct caregiving skills demonstrations, communication workshops, compassion & patience building breakouts, and a keynote detailing "top things i wish i knew before caregiving". Resources were shared with presentations represnting a range of Services from home care Services, local aging resources, palliative care, and other planning services.9) hosted an inaugural memory cafe that invited 7 family caregivers and their loved ones to gain resources and an opportunity to attend an outing with their loved ones. Employed the use of music and other means to stimulate engagement and participation by those who have exhperienced cognitive impairment related to memory loss. Provided resources and relevant tools including tip sheets and items to help support caregiving responsibilities.10) directly worked with 86 volunteers to provide health and wellness programs throughout the year in various classes, conference events, and community programs. Stewarded these volunteers to enhance Keiro's activities while providing educationally- engaging programs to the community's older adults and caregivers.11) partnered with east san gabriel valley japanese community center to develop a licensed social model adult day program for older adults living in the community. Adult day program received licensing approval.12) organized and conducted education programs for younger generations to prepare for caregiving and the aging of their families.