Program areas at Kellyn Foundation
The Kellyn food access initiative objective is to ensure that each neighborhood has healthy whole food options, sourced as locally as possible, that are convenient, accessible and affordable. The initiative supports the economic growth of local farmers; and provides a strong neighborhood infrastructure that includes the "eat real food" mobile market at community sites.
The Kellyn lifestyle medicine initiative objective is to provide the education, tools and support that allows families and individuals to reduce disease risk factors with a proven program through the adoption of better health habits and appropriate lifestyle modifications. We engage with community groups, self-insured employers, school districts and institutions of higher learning. In addition, Kellyn health works with medical students and residents physicians introducing them to the power of lifestyle medicine approaches in preventing, treating and reversing chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
The Kellyn kitchens initiative provides multiple session hands-on cooking educational programs to community/worship centers, schools, senior centers, healthcare professionals and farm markets. Our objective is to teach our participants to cook whole food plant-based meals, while embracing individual food heritage and cultures. Kellyn catering, a sub-division of Kellyn kitchens, provides whole food, plant based meals to support out client base, educational programs and promote healthy lifestyles.
The Kellyn schools initiative includes elementary student education with the objective of understanding what is healthy food and a healthy lifestyle, learning how to grow food from seed to harvest and how to train your taste buds to enjoy healthy food. Educating the children, teachers and families helps them to make healthier choices for themselves, as well as supporting the long-term goal of building a cadre of champions willing to assist in transitioning the summer meals, free and reduced meal programs and overall school lunches to offer primarily healthy food options.