Program areas at KAFASI
Information, assistance and access - information about Services available to older persons is provided by phone, on-line or through office visits. Assistance in accessing Services and assessments for the Family care program and other long-term care needs are also provided.
Family Services provides home visiting Services to parents with infants, toddlers and school-age children that strengthen parent-child relationships and nuturing. The main programs under Family Services are Family preservation, Family support, and teen parent. There are also other programs available. The goals of this program is to prevent child abuse and neglect, help parents provide a caring, nurturing, and healthy environment, to promote the building of developmental assets for youth, and to support the development of healthy families.
Meals on wheels-volunteers deliver meals to elderly or disabled persons in their homes. Lunch and evening meals are available weekdays and on weekends. The meals on wheels program enables the elderly, the sick and the disabled to remain in their homes with help from people who care. Through meals on wheels, home-delivered meals are provided to persons who are unable to prepare their own meals and are at risk of going to a nursing home.
Foster grandparent - connects senior role models with youth who have exceptional needs. Seniors receive enrichment while providing support and comfort to children helping to promote a successful future.
Volunteer transportation - volunteer drivers provide rides for elderly and disabled persons to medical appointments, shopping, and other essential trips.
Friendly visitor - volunteers make weekly visits to frail elderly persons in their homes to provide companionship and to reduce isolation.
Community care corp - provide minor home repairs and maintenance to seniors or adults with disabilities to promote Aging in place and to prevent community blight. Clients enjoy improved living conditions and a reduction in safety concerns due to the environmental improvements made.
Adult nutrition - lunch-time meals are served weekdays at six locations for persons aged 60 and over. Activities and information about Services are also provided.
R.s.v.p. (retired senior volunteer program) - retirees age 55 and over are recruited as volunteers to share their valuable experience and skills with not-for-profit organizations. Volunteers receive training, volunteer opportunities matching their skills and interests, transportation assistance, recognition and other support Services.