Program areas at Khan Academy
Platform development: our platform development team focuses on building the web and mobile software that allows us to offer students a world-class, personalized learning experience across multiple subject areas. By strengthening the platform, we are able to provide students with a learning experience that rivals that of a personalized, always-available tutor. In the calendar year 2023, an average of 9.8 million learners were active on our platform each month in more than 190 countries. Approximately 50% of our learners were located outside of the united states. Our content is translated into more than 65 languages. We continue to make improvements to our mastery learning features and expanded content library with the addition of more subjects, unit tests and quizzes.
Awareness and adoption: we will continue developing partnerships with institutions across the world to increase awareness about Khan Academy and increase our impact. Example partnerships include school districts in the united states and other markets, including india, brazil and peru; testmakers and credentialing bodies like the law school admission council, the association of medical colleges and educational testing service; corporations like google; and foundations like the bill and melinda gates foundation and the lemann foundation. By the end of 2023, we had more than 162 million registered students, teachers and parents.
Content creation and curation: the Khan Academy platform includes an extensive and growing library of educational resources. At the end of 2023, it contained approximately 650 active courses, 39,000 videos, 22,500 sets of practice problems, and 11,000 articles. An average of 9.8 million active registered learners accessed the content each month. In 2023, we continued to deepen and broaden our course offerings in math and science, and we forged partnerships to help us create more world-class content. Khan Academy's goal is to be the world's best learning resource, providing free, rigorous, and engaging standards-aligned instructional and practice content to teachers and learners in the k-12 classroom especially, but also to any independent learner, anywhere in the world.