Program areas at Kiawah Conservancy
The organization currently maintains 77 properties, 59 fee-simple and 18 conservation easements totaling over 3,860 acres on and around Kiawah Island, south carolina. The organization maintains these owned properties and easements for The expressed purpose of keeping land in their Natural undeveloped state for perpetuity. The organization has stewardship responsibility for all conservation properties including The maintenance of established nature trails, a native plant demonstration garden, and demonstration rain gardens outfitted with educational signage. (continued on schedule o)
The production, publication, and distribution of education material, social media presence, and The ongoing maintenance of The organization's website; The purpose of which is to educate property owners, visitors, building contractors and architects, landscapers and landscape architects, and more, about The importance of preserving The Natural environment of Kiawah Island. Roots, The Kiawah Conservancy's semi-annual magazine, is mailed to Kiawah Island residents and all supporters of The organization. (continued on schedule o)
The organization conducts numerous research studies to educate The residents of Kiawah Island, south carolina, as well as to further its mission. Bird banding and understory preservation The Kiawah Island banding station (kibs) is supported by The Kiawah Conservancy and operated by The town of Kiawah Island. (continued on schedule o)