Program areas at Kingdom Investment International
Our well-equipped mobile eye care and dental clinic serviced over 23,000 people alleviating years of pain and sight difficulties.
Full gospel africa mission/care is focused on the people of burkina faso, one of the poorest countries in the world and oppressed by sectarian violence. In the midst of this, full gospel africa mission/care is caring for orphans, feeding, clothing, and educating the children. In the village of danfina, full gospel africa mission/care is using the principles of tcd in areas like farming, provision 4 of water resources, and relief work when needed such as after the floods in 2023 clothing and food were distributed to devastated people. Full gospel africa/cares work caring for orphans and helping the needy feed themselves is consistent with this redemptive work. This includes supporting agriculture initiatives that enable people to feed themselves, supporting initiatives in villages to pursue a healthy lifestyle, using transformational community development (tcd) principles to help the people decide what is important to address, and providing resources to enable them to address those issues, provision of water and helping widows through the provision of gardening funds. These are preventative measures to help the people feed themselves. These actions caused the people of danfina to begin to ask the why question. Why is full gospel africa mission/care living among us and helping us to develop our village, especially in terms of food sufficiency. And then pastor bandaogo answered the why question, talking about his relationship to god through his son, jesus christ.
Hundreds of girls and boys are being molded into transformational leaders through quality education and rescued from early marriage through our leadership initiative.
Three new water wells were completed creating a wave of positive change across surrounding communities impacting around 20,000 people through our clean water initiative. Also, 385 entrepreneurs enrolled in our micro- finance program initiative helping men and women break free from the cycle of poverty. In addition, 240 farmers were trained and provided with the necessary tools to address food insecurity through our ag enterprise program and 235 widows are being empowered and hope restored through the weaving grace ministry.