Program areas at Kitchen Garden Project Garden-Raised Bounty
Youth programsgrub provides opportunity youth (youth who are experiencing barriers to success) asafe and engaging learning and work environment rooted in sustainable agriculture. Our groundedprogram serves youth who are seeking their ged, and combines job training, academic support, communityengagement, leadership opportunities, and team building. In this context, youth experience a supportivecommunity where they grow their own skills and resilience. Graduates from grounded can apply tocontinue as farm assistants or farm coordinators, for additional leadership and vocational 2022-2023, we engaged a total of 45 youth across our summer, fall, and spring cohorts with almost6108.6 hours of participant programming. Youth grew over 6,000 lbs. Of food for themselves, thecommunity, and local hunger relief programs and had more agency in how the food was grown anddistributed. Youth experienced improvements in time management, interpersonal and communicationskills, mental and physical health, among other positive outcomes.from the voice of a youth program participant:"i've become a more confident person, able to speak up for myself more instead of pushing people out. Ifeel like i have many more tools to be successful, express myself better, lead others, notice more. "2022 farm assistant & grounded alum
Community food solutions programsour community food solutions program is composed of two main projects: our grub Garden Project and our veteran programming.the grub Garden Project increases food security and community connection through building freebackyard gardens for and with families with low incomes and providing gardeners with ongoing supportand resources needed to be successful. In 2022-2023, we built 45 new home gardens, and supportedhundreds of gardeners with online and in-person resources while enhancing collaborations with snap-ed,and building the framework for overall program expansion in 2023.from the voice of a grub Garden recipient"i'm 84 and it is a joy to have a reason to go outside and then be able to share with neighbors and friends." 2022 grub Garden recipientgrub's veteran programming offers hands-on opportunities for veterans to serve the community anddevelop skills in sustainable small-scale urban agriculture, beekeeping certifications, and food 2022-2023, we held 35 weekly council sessions for veterans to heal through community, 21 gardeningand resource workshops at the soldiers recovery unit at joint base lewis mcchord, and 50 veteranbeekeeping trainings. These gardens and apiaries, along with our weekly workshops and veteran talkcircles provided a sense of security, wellbeing, and community connection by producing healthy food,facilitating outdoor engagement, and introducing a connection to grub's vast community network.from the voice of a veteran programming participant:"i loved the gardening classes and never thought of myself as a gardener. Thank you for continuing towork with me as i get my business started." Veteran programming participant
Wild foods & medicines programsour wild foods and medicines program offers education, community classes,teacher training, and tribal internships to help people connect with the land. In partnership with grub andlocal tribes, tend, gather, and grow (tgg) is a k-12 steam program that educates students about wildplants, local landscapes, and the rich cultural traditions surrounding them. Developed in partnership withnorthwest indian treatment center, plant teachings for building social-emotional skills includes a book,plant cards, an activity guide, and movement activities. The toolkit helps to teach how plants can lead us inbeing healthy and resilient.we offered 42 teacher trainings based on our plant teachings for over 410 people, trained 17 tribaleducators on a year-long plateau ecosystems plant teaching class, shared 80 plant teaching curriculum setsto tribal communities and organizations, and more! Our workshop participants reported a significant increase in knowledge and connection to other people and the broader community of plants, animals, andplaces. In 2022-2023, we worked on our nature trail where we transplanted native plants and removedinvasive species, added signage, and more! We also launched a brand-new website for the wild foods andmedicines program that includes a story map showing how local tribes and native-led organizations arestrengthening food systems and community health.from the voice of a wild foods and medicines participant:"knowing the names, life cycle, and benefits of the plants has helped me feel connected to the seasons. Ihave started looking at different seasons as 'the time to harvest huckleberries', or 'the time to harvestcottonwood." 2022 wild foods and medicines participant
Cultivating community and special projects.