Program areas at Kiwanis Foundation of Tampa
Scholarship awards - the Foundation awarded college scholarships based upon criteria and nominees put forth by the hillsborough education Foundation. The hillsborough education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization that receives nominations from hillsborough county public high school guidance counselors from a pool of students who are eligible for the school lunch program and meet certain academic requirements. The hillsborough education Foundation (when funds available),also matches certain scholarships with state of Florida grants. In addtion other educational scholarships granted 26,206
Miscellaneous gifts & grants - the Foundation also provides miscellaneous gifts and grants to charitable causes in the community. These expenditures are based on requests, but usually benefit children. See schedule o for detail grants are as follows: boys and girls club of Tampa bay 16,000 salesian youth center 5,000 Kiwanis club of Tampa 750 new life village 13,997 ryan neece Foundation 2,000 camp boggy creek 3,060 community stepping stone 4,000 bob sierra ymca 1,500 project link Inc 1,850 heaven drop 1,000 sylvia thomas center 2,500 women in aviation 1,000 urban league of hillsborough county 1,000 ------- 53,657 ======= .
The Foundation sponsors various youth organizations: builders club 215 circle k 597 key clubs 4,480 terrific kids 476 ------- subtotal - other program services expense 5,768 ------- children's christmas party - the Foundation sponsors an anuual christmas party for underpriviledged children within the community. Program sevice expense 15,991 ------- young children priority one 6,000 ------- citizens services - members of the Foundation make monthly visits to senior centers to provide parties and other activities for the elderly. The Foundation also builds wheelchair ramps for underprivileged residents of the community. Program service expense 7,643 ------- story walk - build and maintain a story walk in al lopez park displaying a children's book in 16 to 18 stations. The walk is updated monthly by members of the Kiwanis club of Tampa with a new book. Program service expense 3,446 ------- total other exempt purpose accompishments 38,848 =======