EIN 20-0820589

Kl NuMedia CCFI

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
NTEE code, primary
Kl NuMedia CCFI empowers youth, promotes local economies, supports social enterprises, and enhances community wealth through collaborative initiatives and leadership development.
Also known as...
Kheprw Institute
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Kl NuMedia CCFI

CWB (Community Wealth Building) Organizational Home The Concord Building at 3802 N. Illinois has been purchased by Kheprw. Home to our community wealth building programs and initiatives, it is currently being renovated. The renovation is a community wealth building project in that minority contractors have been and are being utilized thus receiving economic benefits. It was also used to provide construction training to individuals from under-resourced communities interested in this trade. The renovation is scheduled to be completed in 2023. Once this occurs, the plan is to keep the building continuously accessible to the community as an asset by placing it in a community land trust.
Alkhemy Accelerator/Incubator is a part of the Alkhemy Social Enterprise Center. We work to garner resources that are invested in helping entrepreneurs from under-resourced communities around the city of Indianapolis start, grow and expand their businesses in ways that provide shared prosperity in their communities. Through traditional businesses, cooperatives, employee-owned and community owned businesses we are building community wealth.
The KIF (Kheprw Integrated Fund) which is part of the Alkhemy Social Enterprise Center, provides financial capital and technical assistance to under-resourced Black & Brown businesses interested in improving the quality and well-being of their communities. Through the economic opportunities, products, services and wealth sharing these businesses offer, their communities benefit. This is how the KIF is working to build community wealth.
CCFI, Rain Barrels, Africharts, Community Outreach DOD, City CLT

Who funds Kl NuMedia CCFI

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
JP Morgan Chase FoundationIn Support of Underserved Small Business Expansion$300,000
Windward FundEnvironmental Programs$200,000
Local Initiatives Support CorporationSee Part Iv$135,000
...and 12 more grants received

Personnel at Kl NuMedia CCFI

Imhotep AdisaExecutive Director$0
Alvin SangsuwangulProgram Director and Secretary$0
Paulette FairProgram Director$0
Pambana UishiFinance Lead and Office Manager$55,000
Makenzie HealyCo - Grant Manager
...and 2 more key personnel

Financials for Kl NuMedia CCFI

RevenuesFYE 12/2022
Total grants, contributions, etc.$4,473,227
Program services$189,483
Investment income and dividends$509
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$19,425
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$0
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$2,603
Total revenues$4,685,247

Form 990s for Kl NuMedia CCFI

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2022-122023-11-14990View PDF
2021-122022-11-15990View PDF
2020-122021-10-26990View PDF
2019-122021-02-22990View PDF
2018-122020-01-30990View PDF
...and 7 more Form 990s
Data update history
August 26, 2024
Received grants
Identified 2 new grant, including a grant for $32,100 from Climate Justice Alliance
January 22, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
January 3, 2024
Received grants
Identified 11 new grant, including a grant for $300,000 from JP Morgan Chase Foundation
November 25, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2021
July 7, 2023
Updated personnel
Identified 1 new personnel
Nonprofit Types
Civic / social organizationsSchoolsEducational service providersCharities
Partially liquidatedFundraising eventsTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
PO Box 88856
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Metro area
Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN
Marion County, IN
Website URL
(317) 329-4803
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
B90: Educational Services
NAICS code, primary
813410: Civic and Social Organizations
Parent/child status
Free account sign-up

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