Program areas at KMAC
Exhibitions and programs - the Museum features contemporary art that explores craft emphasizing the techniques, materials and process of creative expression. The Museum's goal is to educate and inspire, while promoting a better understanding of art and craft through exhibitions, collaborations, outreach and the permanent collection. Alliances are forged within Kentucky, regionally, nationally and internationally in order to participate in a broader conversation about art and its role in society.
Education - educational offerings at Kmac include camps, artist residencies, field trips, mobile museums, family workshops, and on and off-site workshops. Field trips include a core-content based guided tour of exhibits, followed by a hands-on art project that students can take home. Teachers choose between a thematic project that makes connection to current exhibits and a more specific, hands-on project to make connections to current classroom study. Possible projects/media include bookmaking, printmaking, painting, drawing, fiber art, ceramics, wood, folk art, mixed media and more. The mobile Museum outreach program offers hands-on art pieces and projects with 13 different themes to engage students with art outside of the Museum. The scholastic artist-in-residence program brings a professional artist into a school to work with students to create individual projects to take home, or a group project for the school. Students and teachers work with the artist in an arts-rich experience over several school visits that can last up to two weeks. Kmac offers camps throughout the year for students of all ages, week-long summer camps, spring break camps, and winter camps to introduce young artists to different art media and art-making techniques. Kmac provides family workshops, suitable for students, parents, and visitors of all ages. These drop-in workshops are available whenever school is out and on select weekends so that participants can create a work of art while learning from an art educator or professional artist.