Program areas at KFAM
Child care food program - the child care food program (ccfp) is a federal and state funded program that plays a vital role in helping many low-income children to receive healthy and nutritious meals. The ccfp home and center representatives train, advise, and monitor hundreds of licensed child day care providers to ensure that over 4,000 children enjoy nutritious meals and snacks every day. Ccfp home oversees licensed in-home child day care providers and ccfp center oversees licensed day care centers. During the fiscal year, kfam trained 300 childcare providers and served nutritious meals to nearly 2,345 children.
Domestic violence program - the domestic violence program (dv) provides bilingual/bicultural intervention and prevention Services to dv-impacted individuals and families, including 24-hour crisis hotline, case management and empowerment Services for victims, survivors support group, batterers intervention program, child supervised visitation, child abuse prevention/intervention, prevention education, trainings, and referral partnerships with churches and community groups. During the fiscal year, collaborated with 216 faith leaders to strengthen the community's response to domestics violence and served 2,000 clients through its community program.
Asian foster Family initiative - as the nation's first and only asian pacific islander-focused foster Family agency, kfam provides recruitment, training and support for asian American foster parents to provide culturally nurturing and safe temporary homes to foster children. Services are provided in english, Korean, chinese, tagalog and vietnamese. Prevention and intervention programs, parenting workshops, supervised visitations with birth parents and other Family support Services. During the fiscal year, 23 children were placed in affi foster families and served 2,000 clients through its community program.
Counseling programs - kfam provides free and low-cost mental health counseling Services in english and Korean including individual and Family counseling psychiatric evaluations, medication support, groups counseling, psycho-education, parenting skills, and mental wellness workshops. During the fiscal year, 2,319 clients were served through its counselling Services.