Program areas at Korean Resource Center
Vietnamese organizing projectvietrise advances social justice and builds power with working-class vietnamese and immigrant communities in orange county. We build leadership and create systemic change through organizing, narrative change, cultural empowerment, and civic engagement. In 2023, vietrise educated, trained and outreached to more than 8,439 community members.
Housingkrc's housing program provides rental housing counseling and financial management/ budget counseling to the most vulnerable members of the Korean american community of greater los angeles and orange county. We seek to create safer communities and empower low-income residents of all ages through linguistically and culturally competent housing counseling including affordable housing counseling, tenants' right education and resolving financial challenges. In 2023, krc assisted directly and provided information to more than 2,500 community members.
Immigrant legal serviceskrc provides in-language legal services and education to low-income immigrant Korean americans, asian americans and pacific islanders (aapi), and other low-income communities of color. Recognized by the department of justice's board of immigration appeals (bia), accredited krc staff conduct a variety of immigration legal services at low to no cost provide linguistically and culturally appropriate legal services to our community. In 2023, krc assisted directly and provided information to over 3,631 community members.
Organizing/civic engagement-promoting and helping Korean americans and immigrants obtain american citizenship and voting rights with the greater goal of building a national movement for social change. Also, helping Korean american and immigrants protect their civil rights and liberties. In 2021, krc trained Korean american youth and other youth on how to build networks within the immigrant and young adult organizing spaces. They were also trained in civil engagement and on highly critical and political topics that affect immigrant is a human right - everyone should have access to quality health care and public benefits. Ensure access to low-cost or free health care and coverage, with information in patients' primary languages. Preserve and fully fund the social service "safety net" for everyone. Provide low-income immigrant women and girls with access to culturally appropriate information necessary to make informed decisions about their reproductive health and rights. Reproductive health needs to be an integral part of our state safety net. The Korean Resource Center has pioneered in multiple digital and data programmatic areas among community building organizations in southern California over fifteen years.