Program areas at KWPN of North America
The organization encourages the participation of registered KWPN horses in the various equestrian disciplines and structures appropriate awards programs that will acknowledge and promote excellence on the part of KWPN horses, breeders, owners, riders and trainers.breeders achievement awards: an award program to recognize member breeders who have accomplished significant results throughout the years with their breeding program. Based on a certain number of points given for various levels of accomplishment in breeding, inspections and sport.keuring championship awards: an award program to recognize member breeders whose breeding programs are champions or reserve champions in their respective foal or studbook classes each year at the inspections.
The organization disseminates educational and informational data to breeders, owners and other interest individuals pertaining to the breeding, raising and approval of KWPN horses, including scheduling and conducting various inspections throughout North America of stallions, foals, mares and geldings.educational seminars: day long seminars are held twice per year at various inspection locations throughout North America that discuss history, conformation and what the jury is looking for in a horse. Having reached members in person, the organization is now providing more information through webinars that will also be archived online for people that can't attend.annual meeting: video taping of the annual meeting which features lectures on breeding, rearing and showing of KWPN horses, including instructional performance by some of the leading trainers, breeders and performances in the the organization provides members with information through an enewsletter, the organizations website, facebook and other forms of media.
The organization maintains a database that records detailed breed registration information, inspection and performance results, including ownership transfers and sales for all registered KWPN horses in North America.
The organization promotes the public awareness of the KWPN horse through targeted advertising. The organization also cooperates with other associations, breed registries and/or government agencies on matters and issues pertaining to the horse industry in North America, including health and safety standards and other guidelines and regulations that may impact the activities of breeders, owners, riders and trainers of horses.the organization provides opportunities for free horse advertising on its website for current members.the organization set up a member's facebook page where they can share ideas, information and photos.the organization set up a "kwpn-na horses for sale" page on facebook where members can advertise their own KWPN horses.