Program areas at La Rabida Children's Hospital
The primary service provided by La Rabida is inpatient services to children with chronic illnesses and disabilities. In fiscal year 2023 we had 122 admissions and 9,994 patient days of care. La Rabida Children's Hospital serves these children regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, or ability to pay and is the most Medicaid dependent hospital in the State of Illinois, with more than 92% of its patient days of care rendered for Medicaid program beneficiaries. La Rabida Children's Hospital is a local expert and provides a site of training for residents and medical students. We train nearly 45 physician residents and medical students each year from the University of Chicago. La Rabida is also a training site for nursing, rehabilitation therapists, social work, psychology and respiratory therapy students. The Hospital works to ensure that all Hospital staff, both clinical and non-clinical, receives education on how to make the hospital a safe place for children. This includes quality initiatives for infection control, certification classes in CPR and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), running mock codes, classroom lectures for nurses, emergency preparedness training, and meetings on education and research. La Rabida also holds in-services as warranted for new products, policies and event-related occurrences.
In conjunction with the inpatient and outpatient services provided, LRCH also provides several primarily grant funded program extensions. The largest are Children's Advocacy Center for children who have been abused, neglected or have experienced trauma; Child and Family Connections which is a healthcare system point of entry for early intervention services for residents of southeast Chicago; and Integrated Assessment which conducts mental health assessments for children entering custody of the Illinois Department of Children & Family Services.
The secondary services provided by La Rabida are various clinical outpatient services supportive of the special needs of our patients. These services include 106 treatment room visits, 14,623 physician clinic visits and 15,592 outpatient ancillary visits. The physician clinics are for children with chronic healthcare needs and their siblings. These services also include care coordinators, patient education, case management and numerous wrap around services such as nutrition and behavioral health. Included in the ancillary visits are physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and infant development specialty visits.
Behavioral Science and Counseling Services to the children of the Chicagoland Community.
Income from Joint Venture