Program areas at LCLAA
Regional conference - lclaa created a regional conference series to not only address the challenges and issues affecting the latino community, but also to continue to provide the training necessary to organize communities around those issues in order to be able to enact a more progressive agenda - one where latino and Labor issues are a priority.
Communications- lclaa has integrated its social networking platforms into its bilingual outreach strategy to disseminate communications to educate and mobilize the online communities into action. In addition, during 2012, lclaa launched its national latino workers blog. Regularly updated, the blog covers developments on key topics for latino working families, including social security and medicare, the environment and green jobs, health care, young workers, Labor issues and immigration.
Membership - lclaa fights for the social, political, and economic Advancement of the latino community and they firmly believe that all workers deserve quality jobs with living wages nationwide. Lclaa educates workers about their rights and promotes the political participation of latino working families. The dues paying members receive information about policy and advocacy campaigns, participate in local events, and have a voice during lclaa's national conventions, local chapter elections and meetings.
Campaigns - lclaa is committed to pioneering solutions to advance the social, economic, and political welfare of the hispanic community and to the americas as a whole in the areas of education, government, the economy and infrastructure improvement, immigration, trade and economic development, global warming, and job growth. By anticipating emerging issues and through creative partnerships, lclaa establishes new angles of inquiry in order to provide a roadmap for responses by government, Labor, and society; taking into account the unique needs of burgeoning hispanic demographics.
Policy and advocacy - the program supports and implements lclaa's policy priorities and research, which focuses on addressing many critical issues that affect the latino community including immigration, healthcare, education, collective bargaining, government accountability, and civil rights among others.
Chapter development - lclaa's national executive board hired a full time national organizer to grow our membership and chapters and to work on the development of our current lclaa chapters. The organizer focused on programs and trainings for lclaa chapter and members, attended union events to promote lclaa and recruited new members. This program iscurrently on hold.
Civic participation - the civic participation program was related to funding in order to provide our chapters funding for their voter registration and get-out-the vote (gotv) programs.