Program areas at LFCD
Employment services:provide career planning, integrating it with ongoing support and counseling to employees/trainees and support the employers, too. Serve as a trusted partner and can be a liaison with the employee and employer. Meet with the employee/trainee to monitor progress and assist with ongoing needs as they continue their employment at the company. Provide job coaching, mentoring and work performance assistance to ensure success and offer integrated, wrap-around, and supportive services to the employee/trainee. Work site supervisors and participants ensure that employability is enhanced and work site expectations are met. Monitor the progress of the employee/trainee and mediate the challenges to ensure continued retention and success and assist employers with developing specific industry training modules through local educational entities and workforce system partners.
Youth services:provides services for youth employment, summer internships, and other programs
Family support services:provides services for assisting with removing barriers to securing income support, federal public benefits, earned income tax credits, income tax refunds, access to second chance bank account products, accessing housing due to blemished credit and less than the required income ratios that landlords look for, removing obstacles to accessing healthcare service and insurance, good jobs with career ladders and benefits, skills training and education programs, and meeting their basic needs through free and low-cost sources from clothing, household goods, food, utility benefits and transportation supports.
Community development:community development/real estate investments and capacity building/general support, as well as the care Community center project f.k.a. The san antonio neighborhood resource center property.
Vita tax services