Program areas at Laradon Hall Society for Exceptional Children and Adults
Community living services - community living services are provided for individuals who receive funding through the home and community based medicaid waiver. Services are individualized for each person; however, some common areas of support and skill development include medical care, social skills, community skills, daily living skills, and safety skills. The host home program provides individualized services and support to adult individuals by placing them with an individual or family to experience a family or roommate-like atmosphere. The independent living program offers services in the homes of individuals who have the skills and wish to live more independently. The family caregiver program allows individuals to receive their services directly from a family member, with paid support.
Adult services - Laradon's day program services for Adults have a broad array of programs designed to help people with developmental disabilities maximize their full potential. The goal is to assist individuals in developing connections in their communities by providing opportunities, experiences, personal security, and self-respect. These programs offer a variety of services for Adults with developmental disabilities, including individual employment. Tailored employment support services help Adults with developmental and other disabilities work on skill acquisition, job search and retention, and meet their own goals for work and community inclusion. Laradon's individual employment program provides support and services to Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to obtain and maintain employment in the denver metro competitive labor force. Work teams are crews of 5-6 hardworking and dependable individuals who work for local businesses sites in the denver metro community. The focus of community participation is volunteer work and involvement in other valued aspects of community life, services, programs for seniors, programs for Adults with autism, and serious and chronic medical conditions. Laradon also has behavioral services to adult services programming as an additional therapeutic service. Laradon job coaches over 120 individuals who hold jobs in the community being paid a competitive wage with other employees.
Children's services- Laradon's Children's services division features two unique programs: 1. The Laradon school offers state-of-the art academic and behavior services for school age Children from five to 21 years of age, with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Laradon school is accredited by the Colorado department of education as an eligible facility school. The Colorado department of human services licenses the Laradon school as a day treatment program. All teachers and service providers are certified and licensed professionals who strive for a comprehensive understanding of each student through conscious and careful study. Person- centered thinking is first and foremost, whichhighlights our belief that all students are capable of learning and establishing and maintaining social relationships. 2. The calabrese youth center/lincoln house: the calabrese youth center & lincoln house provides 24-hour residential treatment to Children, ages 11- 21, who have identified intellectual and developmental disabilities. Laradon's therapeutic program is designed to assist youth with how to resolve social, emotional, and behavioral problems so they can return to their home or community.