Program areas at Last Mile San Diego
The city of Chula Vista- includes donations to the San Ysidro Health Clinic (total of 44 clinics) vaccination centers, and other health-related services. Primary donations include masks, protective clothing, face shields, surgical masks, and gloves. Total of 48,216 individual component products.
Centro Familiar Cristiano- Located near National City (San Diego) provided numerous protective gear and products including hand sanitizer, surgical masks, KN95, food service clothing (gloves, booties, masks, hair nets, vests, sleeves, smocks) as well as protective masks, clothing and towels. Total of 26,640 idividual items.
South Bay Community Services (migrant children) - equipped the San Diego Convention Center and the City of San Diego Community Services with numerous protective gear and products to include hand sanitizer, surgical masks, KN95, as well as protective masks, clothing and towels. Individual protective gear for the children. As well as sanitizer, cleaning products, and protection for the cleaning staff. Total products 77,616 individual component products.
Total of other program services to many small hospitals, nursing homes, schools and other charities. All products were donated by companies and individuals and were then donated in turn to health care providers or organizations in need.