Program areas at Latino Educational Training Institute
Basic needs programs including: rental rental assistance, promotoras/community volunteer-advocates program, housing justice project legal clinic, food bank distribution, nourishing neighbors "breakfast 4 all kids" campaign, wirfrental assistance-leti is subcontracted by volunteers of america as a by and for partner to help spanish speaking community members apply for rent assistance.promotoras/community volunteer-advocates program -well-trained spanish-speaking promoters will reach out to community members to educate, recruit, schedule, and most importantly, assist in completing the applications or forms required to access critical covid testing/vaccines and family support resources.housing justice project legal clinic provides legal services and resources to struggling residents within snohomish county dealing with various housing bank distribution including 899 grocery orders placed and distributed in 2022.nourishing neighbors "breakfast 4 all kids" campaign provides food and gift cards to numerous low-income families.wa immigrant relief fund program assists the community by disseminating information on program opportunity and qualifications
Educational programs including ged classes offered in spanish, english conversion classes, introduction to college and technology, learn to surf the internet workshops, entrepreneurial leadership and business development workshops, Latino leadership initiative, vocational school offering long and short term certifications, safety and health investment projects, and basic computer classes and zoom workshops.
Health and wellness programs including:total wellness of Latino women-allows participants to connect with a leti staff member weekly while learning about all the resources available in the community.leti child care circles-this program aims to create a cohort of 8-9 Latino mothers needing pre-k childcare services.advancing health literacy covid-19 related programs/services aims to better understand the barriers to the health community members through scientifically designed community surveys in multiple languages, appropriate Training and interventions, and ongoing work to increase awareness of optimal resources, testing, and vaccines for covid-19.vaccine access support services and outreach-this program initiative assists families in and around snohomish and skagin counties with resource nvigation and health information to promote the covid-19 vaccine.leti cafe is a business entrepreneurship program for Latino women living in snohomish county, which has been developing for the past three years, turning into leti's largest ongoing progect. The specific emphasis is to improve the mental, physical, and financial health of local latinas and their families by sharing culture through food.
Media and entertainment programs including:leti teve-this program was formulated to combine entertainment and education for the local community with access to useful information and resources as needed.leti's childrens choir and dance-choir of children comprises up to 20 children all from local community participating in various presentations in snohomish county.