Program areas at Lauren's Kids
The organization receives funds to support Florida school districts in implementing the lessons from Lauren's Kids "Safer, Smarter Schools" curriculum for Florida's public (including charter) school students in grades pre-kindergarten through 12, with supporting professional development and trainings for educators. This is the first-ever comprehensive pre-kindergarten through grade 12 program school-based prevention and personal safety curriculum. The funds were used to research best practices, consult with career educators, administrators, mental health professionals, and developmental psychologists to develop educationally sound, research-based materials aligned to Florida state education standards. Funds were also used to produce animated videos and digital curriculum modules for children, parents and educators.
The organization puts on an annual walk to raise awareness about child sexual abuse and encourages those who have been abused to speak up. The walk is called "42 Hours for the 42 Million at the Florida Capitol". There are 42 million survivors of child sexual abuse living in the United States today and 75% of child sexual abuse victims don't tell anyone for at least a year. 45% do not tell for at least five years. Too many wait decades, or never disclose. In lieu of the "42 Hours for the 42 Million in the Florida Capitol" where for 42+ continuous hours in the rotunda of the Florida Capitol, advocates, legislators, state leaders, survivors and community members join Senator Lauren Book, herself a victim and now a survivor and founder of Lauren's Kids, and the Lauren's Kids Foundation walk non-stop on a treadmill to honor the 42 million and advocate for societal and legislative change, we changed to a virtual walk. We created "42 miles for the 42 million" where supporters signed up to participate by committing to walk 42 miles during the month of April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Walkers received a 42 miles for the 42 million t-shirt if they completed the 42 miles. The event was a success and provided an opportunity for supporters of Lauren's Kids along with survivors to participate virtually and expand the reach of Lauren's Kids.
The organization developed an educational brochure regarding protecting children against sexual abuse that is included in 8-10 million vehicle registration renewals. Since 95% of childhood sexual abuse is preventable through education and awareness, the goal is to reach as many individuals with direct messaging as possible. The program that allows Lauren's Kids to provide an educational insert in motor vehicle registration renewal notices assures that over 8 million individuals will read the material this year. In December of each year a targeted program occurs in driver's license renewal offices where close to 500,000 individuals are provided with educational materials on how to better protect our children from predators and pedophiles. The organization wrote books entitled "It's Ok to Tell and "Lauren's Kids" which is intended to educate people about abuse. In addition the organization incurs expenses in delivering education materials and class work on the subject of abuse