Program areas at League To Save Lake Tahoe
Combat Pollution-Litter Initiatives:At the 10th anniversary of our Keep Tahoe Red, White and Blue July 5th beach cleanup, we hosted the most partners and sites in the history of the Lakes largest litter-fighting event. Since the first cleanup, weve been thrilled to use the data we collect to track a decade-long trend toward cleaner beaches. In 2023, one extreme outlier distracted from that progress. At Zephyr Shoals, our volunteers, partners, and staff removed 6,300 pounds of litter, but otherwise saw average levels of trash at our five other sites. BEBOT to Tahoe and cleanup execution:Our robotic beach-cleaning program also grew in 2023. Together with ECO-CLEAN Solutions, we added a second BEBOT to the fleet and began cleaning full beaches to remove more trash hidden beneath the sand that would otherwise find a permanent home in Lake Tahoes waters. Polystyrene ban outreach:League staff spoke at City Council meetings to provide stats and volunteer stories about the plastic litter problem in Tahoe. We used volunteers to visit local area restaurants and shops to encourage compliance with the ban, educating those who were unaware.
Advancing Restoration-In 2023, we welcomed new sites and partners to our long running Tahoe Forest Stewardship Days events, including the Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California, Nevada Tahoe Conservation District, and Incline Village General Improvement District. Together with hundreds of volunteers, we removed conifers that were siphoning the water out of Meeks Meadow, improved beaver dam habitat for a South Shore Creek, and pulled invasive plants from a stream in Incline Village. The result is a healthier, more connected Lake Tahoe. Were dedicated to building the Basins ecological resilience so it can withstand climate change. To achieve that goal it takes resources and collaboration. With support from our generous donors, our team of policy experts meets regularly with legislators in Sacramento, Carson City and Washington, DC to recruit them as vocal champions for Lake Tahoe.
Tackling Invasive Species-Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) throw a wrench in Lake Tahoes native ecology and threaten to turn its beautiful water from blue to green. In 2023, we combined forces with the Tahoe Keys Marina and ECO-CLEAN Solutions to introduce the PixieDrone, a motorized, aquatic skimmer that captures plant fragments and prevents infestation from continuing to spread. The League also funded a mobile, solar-powered cleaning station for non-motorized watercraft like kayaks and paddleboards. The CD3- short for clean, drain, dry, dispose gives paddlers and anglers a free tool to make sure their gear is AIS-free. This resource will help slow the spread of AIS that are already in the lake and prevent new introductions, like the New Zealand mudsnail that was discovered in Tahoe in 2023.