Program areas at Leavenworth Interfaith Community of Hope
The Night Shelter is an overnight facility which provides a safe place to sleep from 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM every night. It is staffed by a professional director, several part-time staff, and 70 volunteers each week. Volunteers work in three-hour shifts to ensure the safety and comfort of overnight guests. During 2023, the Night Shelter served 241 unique individuals, averaging 16 guests per night and resulting in over 5,600 beds utilized during the year. The number of nights the average guest stayed was 23.2 nights in 2023.
The Day Center provides a space for individuals from Leavenworth County to safely gather during the day to access equipment and facilities for basic needs. The Day Center provides an environment where individuals learn to contribute by partaking in chores and other life skills. Individuals receive a warm meal and basic needs are met (shower, laundry and a safe place to store their personal belongings. The Day Center provides three meals a day to those who are unhoused, and lunch to anyone in the community experiencing food insecurity. During 2023, the Day Center provided over 20,000 meals, over 900 showers and over 500 loads of laundry. The Day Center is staffed by three part-time employees and volunteers.
Welcome Central is the heart of the Community of Hope. Its programs provide clients with the help they need to access direct services provided by other agencies. In addition, Welcome Central fills the gap in services by providing free transportation, assistance in obtaining personal identification documents (birth certificate, ID, social security card, marriage license, etc.), support with accessing government assistance programs, help completing applications, VISPDAT homeless assessment and connection to the Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition, and personal and educational support. It is staffed by a director and 3 volunteers each week. In 2023, 453 clients were served, 12,000 miles were driven by volunteer drivers and staff to take clients to essential services, and with the support of Welcome Central, 49 individuals moved from homelessness into permanent housing.